TAR 11, All-Stars, now with teams. (spoilers)

I hate him because he acts like a pompous ass who’s too cool and sexy for his shirt. Grow some nipples, you mutant freak.

Does that make my hate personal? Oh, well. So be it. He’s not on the show because everyone loves him. He’s on the show because so many people either love him or hate him.

Fools. I’m not watching the show because I hate him. I don’t want him on my TV at all.

That’s what I’ve been wondering. I got season 1 when it came out because I missed it. I was hoping for seasons 2-4 since I missed those as well. The only reason they brought out season 7 was because of Rob and Amber.

Ginger, if you haven’t seen season 1 email me and I can mail them to you.

I already have some nipples, thank you, small though they be. I honestly didn’t mean to offend you (or anyone else) to that extent.

I’m pretty happy with these teams – I mean, they’re not all my own personal Malibu Barbie Dream Teams, but I can work with this lot. I’m tired of Rob & Amber and I wish they would just get real jobs already, Christ!, but even I have to (grudgingly) admit that they’re good TV, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’ll be tuning in to find out who makes Rob’s head explode first: Mirna, Mary, or one of the Guidos. Should be hella fun to watch. I’m most excited about Kevin & Drew and Danny & Oswald being back, and just generally being fabulous.

One thing I do find interesting: Of all the former winners, the only ones they brought back were Uchenna & Joyce? I like them, but … seriously? That is the one team on the list that feels “off” to me, as though they are back only and solely to try to drive Rob batshit, which seems kind of sleazy or something. They seem like OK people – and Uchenna is, still and always, one foine man – but they’re kind of boring. Rob & Brennan would have been cool, as would Chris & Alex or Chip & Kim. Non-winners I’d have liked to see back are Greg & Brian. But, oh well. Maybe they’ve all gone out and gotten themselves some of those so-called alleged “real jobs” I referred to earlier.

I’m definitely excited about a new Race. Since these people have all “been there, done that,” I wonder what kind of new twists they had to come up with to keep things fresh. Where are we going this time? Maybe all seven continents? That would be neat-o. Any new countries we haven’t been to before? What new “rule changes” might we expect? What awesome win-the-leg prizes?

And, of course, the most important question of all: How awesome is it going to be to see Phil again? Hi, Phil! We missed you.

That about sums it up for me. I just can’t stand him. He’s had his 15 minutes of fame about 10 times now. Just go away.

Not videoTAPE, but ‘video’ is the term we still use sometimes even when referring to digital media. See: “video” on YouTube.

You’re a peach.

Note: Not gonna eat you. Iris has more upper-body strength than I do.

I saw the first episode of the “Rob and Amber Do Las Vegas” (or whatever it was called) abomination, and my feelings for Rob have rapidly dwindled into nothingness. “Pompous ass” really seems to fit my impression, up to and including the “bickering with my wife because she does not want me to wager HER money on a stupid whim” bit. However, I’m remaining open, as I’m not adverse to a bit of well-placed villainy.

But yay! for the Beauty Queens - I would have liked them to win last season.

Meh for Eric and Danielle, both of the original teams did not really stand out in terms of racing ability, which is what I enjoy watching most.

Same goes for David and Mary, but it will be interesting to see how they will proceed without the dreaded Six Pack (bleh!), and if Mary treating David like a door mat will finally lead to a big 'splosion.

Oh, but all criticism aside, I’m already excited. Dozens of continents!! Phil in Antarctica!! As long as the Travelocity Gnome stays where they buried him last season, I’m game.

I don’t have so much of a problem with Rob as I do with Rob-worshippers. The guy’s never WON anything directly, for all his machinations, so I don’t get the admiration.

In other thoughts, Teri and Ian are STILL ALIVE?

And they certainly are bringing teh gay with Guido AND Chachacha.

Apparently Rob contends that the producers helped Joyce and Uchenna win. :rolleyes:

I’m going to watch it to see how fast Rob & Amber get eliminated. Everybody knows of them; nobody will ally with them or give them any sort of leeway. And, frankly, they were sneakier than smart. I’m not one of those folks who admires people who put ‘the game’ above everything.

It will be interesting to me to see some of the competitors because I came to TAR late - I think I started at Season 3 or 4.

I rather like Rob as a contestant, and he was a fan of the show back when it was uncertain whether or not it would be renewed (not that that makes him a hero or anything, but it counts for something). Still, I suspect that if I knew him in real life he’d irritate the piss out of me.

Anyway, although this isn’t exactly my personal dream list of teams, it seems a relatively strong mix, considering people’s real-life commitments and so forth. I haven’t seen seasons 2 and 3, so I’m interested in the teams fropm those seasons.

As a point of discussion, I wonder if the early-season teams will be at a disadvantage, since the Amazing Race format and strategy (to some extent) has been refined from season to season.

[QUOTE=Quiddity Glomfuster]
Apparently Rob contends that the producers helped Joyce and Uchenna win. :rolleyes:


I don’t know what the rolleyes is for, anyone who travels knows that something stunk about that race. Once the airplane door is closed, they don’t open it again unless it is a life or death matter. And rolling out the jetway after it has been pulled back? Doesn’t happen.

Oh, that actually aired? I’m guessing it isn’t very good … :confused:

Damn. Stole my thunder. Anywho… I’m glad to see the Kentucky couple back. They were genuinely kind in the face of treachery. Plus, I have to say, Otto, you’re response in the closed thread was as ingenious as it was hillarious! :smiley:

I’m not entirely disagreeing with you*, here, but I do want to point out: Editing. The editing guys for this show haven’t won their Emmys for nothing.

** = I don’t think things were exactly quite “right,” either, but even with the possible/probable interference, Rob & Amber could still have won in Miami, and they didn’t. Lots of “coulda, woulda, shoulda”'s, but they didn’t. At some point, they’re going to have to move on. Grudge matches never end well, least of all for those of us who are only semi-witting observers at home.*

Not to hijack, but yeah, Rob and Amber: Against the Odds is on Fox Reality. I was interested because it’s about Rob trying to become a professional poker player but I don’t get Fox Reality. I could buy it on iTunes but it doesn’t seem worth it.

Actually, what will be REALLY interesting is to see Rob go against the original TAR sneaky team, Team Guido. That will be a good match-up. I have a feeling Kevin and Drew are going to see right through Rob’s bullshit from the get-go as well.

See, I think this thread partially illustrates some of the genius that is Rob. Everyone’s talking about Rob and his machinations and how other teams will respond to them. Look back at the season he was on. At least two of the teams (Lynn and Alex, Patrick and his mother) totally lost focus on the race and spent inordinate amounts of time worrying about what Rob and Amber, but especially Rob, were up to. Meanwhile, Rob and Amber just chugged along and actually, you know, raced. TAR must be hard enough if your focus is just on winning. If you’re splitting your focus between winning and specifically beating Rob then you give Rob an advantage.

Sorry, the nipple comment was directed at Rob. Nothing personal to you.

I am somewhat surprised that Jonathan and Victoria were not included.

As for Rob, I like watching him play. He is kind of like the JR Ewing of Reality TV.

That said, I doubt I will watch. My TV viewing has been dramatically reduced of late and this one doesn’t make the cut.