**I am technoligically impaired so if this makes any sense, it is by pure fluke. **
I use Kodak easyshare for my digital picture stuff.
Apparently I threw out into the recylce bin some pictures that I want.
I can pull them up by the date they were put into the system, but the computer/recycle bin trollmaster won’t let me look at them specifically to see if that is the one I want and, how do get the one(s) that I want back?
It is also worth mentioning that, as an alternative to ‘restoring’ them from the recycle bin (which, if done wrong, could end up sending files all over the place to many different locations from which they were originally deleted), you could create a new folder, say, on the desktop and drag as many items as you like out of the bin and into the new folder, keeping them distinct from your other files and easy to manage.
Right click on some blank space on your desktop. Click on New, then Folder. Open the folder that appears along with the recycle bin, then drag the files (left click, hold down and move) to the new folder.
Clicking ‘restore’ in the recycle bin menus sends the files back to the original location from which they were deleted; If you’re anything like me, you don’t often look in the recycle bin, let alone empty it, so it contains not only your latest batch of deleted images, but some other deleted images from the same folder (but with date stamps or numeric filenames that would place them before other files you’ve already decided to keep), plus deleted files, including images from all over the place.
If you inadvertently select more than you intended to, then restored it, your images would turn up in the right place, but you wouldn’t notice that other stuff had gone to other places too, which might clutter things up a bit.