Ted Nugent gets gash and a show

Bigger than a cat scratch, it would appear our Snakeskin Cowboy was injured on, of all things, his new reality show, the Ted Commandments, “when a chain saw cut through his leg… and <snip> required 40 stitches to close the gash”.

I’m not much on reality shows, they’ve consumed about four minutes of my life to date, but this one just screams WATCH ME since:

Bwhaa, I’d love to have seen that.

Heh, my birthplace! Finally though, Waco at last has a gun entheusiast in a compound that we actually don’t need to worry about. I think Ted’s pretty cool and this is one show I just might not want to miss.

The show is not about his politics, which many of us probably have some issue with. It’s City Slickers meets Jeremiah Johnson, and a rather opinionated and outspoken Jeremiah at that.

Wishy washy doesn’t sell. This is The Simple Life with a bad attitude. Ted lives for the vigorous outdoors and his interaction with the Bruno Magli crowd is likely to be amusing.

From the quotes provided, it looks like this’ll be just like the first Ted Nugent reality show, which sucked monkey ass: 8 episodes of Ted acting like a self-important jackass.

Which quotes? I didn’t see any in the article.

I know he’s a staunch conservative and zealously defends the NRA but he was one of the few clean rockers (read drug free) and lives on a ranch with his wife and kid.

I was a fan 20 years ago when he was big, saw him in concert a couple of times, lost track and was glad to see him back. A good friend has had him out to his ranch to hunt and said he was engaging and the perfect guest. What gives? Where is the love?

lieu, I was referring to your quotes you provided in your OP. And he is a pretty rabid libertarian, which is fine. But it’s his arrogance and way he belittles those around him that drive me crazy.

Didn’t see the previous stuff. Bummer to hear it since I think your call is usually pretty close to mine on what ingests chimp rump.

I did a google search on his name and got a ton of rabid love for the guy and yet here are two that won’t share his air.

You leave me no choice… no way I’m gonna miss it now.

I disagree completely. He is one of the most entertaining television personalities I’ve ever seen. His Cribs episode was comedy gold. And his other reality show cracked me up.

I love Ted Nugent. And I can’t wait for his son to start being featured in tabloids because he’s almost guaranteed to be warped after being raised by that man.

looks around and is confused and a tad disappointed that the phrase “Ted Nugent gets gash and a show” doesn’t meant what he thought it meant

Well gobear, apparently it does.

SMS use a “<snip>” when you’re selectively patching together incomplete snippets of a larger post. Thanks.

You hold your rockers crotches to a higher standard than I. So I’m amused by a poon hound. I can live with that.

Yeah, but she is really hot.

Just out of respect for all the good times he’s given me musically over the years, I’l likely at least check it out. While he put out some bad songs along with the legendary stuff, all in all he was a rock god.

If fact I’m pretty sure that once I came on his own A chord.

I think it’s possible to be funny and entertaining and loathsome at the same time. In fact, I think it’s probably quite common.

So was Mr Nugent trying to emulate Ozzy? He’s got to try harder next time.


Au contraire…

  • “contestants were shot with paint-balls”: You whip out a paint gun and unexpectedly start blasting those guys from Survivor Island with blistering paintballs and riotous, scrambling hilarity is going to ensue.

  • “made to sleep in a barn”: And no snoring!

  • “construct their own outhouse”: We know you desperately need to poo right now but you must first build one from these detailed plans. Here’s page 1 of 8.

  • “and skin a Russian boar”: Ugh. Just ugh. I’ve passed up probably a dozen shots on wild pig, namely because I’ve been proxy to the cleaning of one wild pig. Nasty job, that. Contestants will have to clean up with twice as much Clinique.