Teemingmillions.com Flame Mail Generator is going bye bye due to abuse

At the Teeming Millions Homepage we’ve had up a nifty service for several years now that allows you to send a silly generated flame email. http://teemingmillions.com/flamegenerator.html

Someone has decided to use this to launch some sort of “attack” against Hotmail. sigh

This morning my husband got about 1,000 bounced emails to bogus hotmail accounts coming from the generator, so we’ve decided to disable it.

So whoever did this, FUCK YOU*! This was a fun toy and you had to ruin it for everyone.

So in memorium, here is my flame letter to YOU:

Dear Tricycle Seat Sniffer,
You are being flamed because your brain is logic retardant.
Your action was an inspiration to degenerate inbred rednecks everywhere.
Your action reminded me of applying hemmoroid cream to my cat’s anus.
My attention was drawn to the fact that you do not have the reading comprehension skills that God gave the common gerbil, and you obviously do not have opposable thumbs.
Furthermore, it seems unlikely that you will ever successfully breed, for which we are all thankful.
As punishment, you must eat Jack Dean Tyler’s Tug-Ahoy™, you must hold your breath for two whole days, and you must buy every New Kids On The Block album. In public. Including the Christmas one.
In closing, I’d like to say ‘You suck.’ Was that monosyllabic enough?
Sincerely, OpalCat
PS: Fuck YOU!
*not neccessarily a Doper, but probably is because who else would even know about it?

It’s FROM fake hotmail addresses, pointed TO various spammer addresses.

Using my server to mass-mail SPAM is a shitty thing to do, and quite the hypocritical thing in this case.

Damn, Opal, that does suck. The flame mail generator was a cool toy, and I know how much work you did creating it and updating it a some months ago.

This whole culture of people thinking they can use any resource they can access is really starting to sicken me. One or a small number of assholes can ruin the fun for thousands or even millions or tens of millions.

People who in a million years wouldn’t steal a car even if it was sitting there idling with the keys in the ignition don’t think for a second before misusing a resource like the flame mail generator (or creating the code red worm, or any of another million things on the internet).

Eventually, they’ll get to all of us. I’m sorry they got to you this time.

Sorry to hear that, Opal.

What a bunch of fucking fuckweasels.

And I never even got the chance to use it. :frowning:

Damn them! Damn them all to a fiery hell!

Respectfully, I don’t think a single incident is a good reason to take it down. Of course, continuing abuse is a valid reason to disable it.

I do have an idea, however. Would it be possible to, instead of sending an email, generating a page with the flame mail on it. One could then C&P it into an email. This would make abuse with a script (which is my guess as to what happened) difficult, if not nearly impossible.

Well originally there were only a few hundred, and we were just mad. Then my husband checked his mail again and it was up around 1,000… so it was still being abused. If it had been a single, isolated incident we might have let it go.

As for your suggestion, funny you should say that :slight_smile: That is exactly what we’re going to do, once we do a little more investigating to see if we can figure out exactly what happened (and maybe who).

Quick question about the Flame Mail Generator:

What exactly is power-sucking a moderator’s nipples?

Wasn’t it JDT who claimed that “power-sucking” a woman’s nipples would result in unimagined heights of erotic pleasure? I think that is where it comes from.

Yup. That and pushing them deep into the chest cavity with your tongue.