Teemings #16 Now Online

Teemings #16, “In Search of Historic Dolomite” is finally up.

Enjoy … and please be sure to let us know what you think.

I’ve only read the 1st article and I’ve got tears in my eyes already.
I’ll be sure to read the rest in the morning.

One thing that has been bugging me for a while now, is that the visited link is no different to the unvisited link, so I can never tell what I’ve read and not yet read. As I read it over a week or two, sometimes I read some twice (that’s not bad), but sometimes I miss one (that’s bad).
Could you make the VLINK a different colour, please, please, please.

Thanks again for your efforts, Euty. Another fine issue. I encourage everyone to submit an article, a poem, or an original short story. It’s our 'zine, after all, folks.

I’m relatively new around here, so this is actually my first time reading Teemings.

‘Bridging the Generation Gap’ by iampunha hit me really hard.

If this came out in paper form, I would’ve bought a subscription. I look as much forward to the next installment as I do perusing the back issues. In short, what else can I say than keep up the good work!

Happy to see you enjoyed it, Hüsker Düde:slight_smile: I’m hoping I’ll have another meaningful narrative in time for next issue … but the way the one I have is shaping up it might have to be in two parts.

w00t! Thanks again, Euty, for publishing me. I’m eternally grateful.


Yay! I’m published again! Thanks Euty!