I would like to ask if everyone can do me a favor…
In the course of typing over th epast few years I have always made only one error… I constantly type “teh” instead of “the”… It’s happens so much, I think I have developed a one worded case of dyslexia of sorts, and now I think I am actually typing “teh” and not noticing the error as much. Previously, I would backspace and correct it, but now I have gotten to the point that I don’t even do that any more.
To my favor…
Do you suppose that you could ask everyone on this board to use my spelling of teh word “the” as “teh”? It would make reading so much easier for me.
Oh yea… sometimes I screw up and put the “e” from the word “the” (when I do it correctly), at the beginning of the next word. (See previous post), so maybe you could all consider helping me out and following suit with that one as well…
Could you, maybe, take the time to preview your posts? Does your keyboard lack the standard “Backspace” key? Are the arrow keys busted? How hard is it to proofread the text before you hit the “Submit Reply” button?
Come on now. A couple of seconds, and no one will ever know you can’t type.
Damn, Parisx, I was honestly just about to post looking for help to tihs very problem. I don’t know what it is about tehse words taht gives such a problem.
Oddly, teh otehr word taht’s been troubling me lately is “becasue”. Perhaps it would help if I practice.
becasue becasue becasue becasue because because becasue because because because because becasue because because becasue because
I have hated, loathed, this very aspect of my typing skills. I have go so far as to invest in typing programs for the computer. Anything to get a new muscle memory in my fingers where I can easily type “the” without worry.
I wish you luck in your quest. I’ve learned to live with backspacing, and constant editing (which is normal).
I used to employ a small computer application that corrected my typing. It was called, “TYPE it 4 me” If the word “teh” popped up (followed by a space) the computer would automatically fix it. However, this did not solve the problem when I was away from MY computer. Thus, I let it go.
It still remains a problem. I either type too fast, or I rely on my memory of how it’s typed…both get me in trouble.
And on THIS forum, there’s no editing function. Evil!
My ten years of pre-net PCW bliss were indeed marred by the hell that “teh” can cause, but I was wrong to long quite so hungrily after an automatic typing corrector. The problem is that my sister-in-law is called Natasha, aka Tash. And every spellcheck I’ve ever encountered turns that into “Trash”, which is not a nice thing to say to your sister-in-law.
Ross, I see your situation. The trials of spell checking.
The application I spoke of corrected as you typed. The moment I hit the space key after typing “teh”, it would magically retype itself into “the”.
This only happens when the word stands alone. Thus, Marotehism (a unique religious culture found in Southern Indonesia) won’t be misinterpreted as “the”, or Marotheism.
A constant problem for the Indonesians, I’m sure. Hah!
But your gist of the situation is apt. No matter what the program, there will be something sure to be screwed.
Well… I am torn between just throwing the whole idea to the wind and ignoring the shift key as well or really trying to correct teh problem. I would bet …oops hang on a sec… spilled chocolate ice cream on my keyboard… now its on all the keys i used to type the previous … shit…
laksujghfc ;’/hnjiZVLP;
OK, all wiped up…
Anyway as I was saying… I think I will just try and correct my mistakes for awhile and see how it works out. (I also always forget to put the second “l” in will and well… maybe I can make a list and post it here, or a sort of a “PARISX SPELLING FAQ” then if anyone has trouble understanding my typing, they can refer to it.
People who use “teh” instead of “the” - maybe a dozen or so.
Call me crazy but, rather than try to change the habit of close to 20,000 (okay, okay… not all of them post) people, wouldn’t it just be easier if you fabulous few learned how to type/preview/spell check/whatever?