This won’t apply to everyone, but statistics dictate that the majority of you guys have bought at least one brand new vehicle in your life. I want to hear about your first new ride- do you remember what it was? How did you feel when driving it off the lot? How long did you keep it and why did you get rid of it, if you don’t still have it? How old were you at the time? Anything pertinent that you would like to share will be welcome!
I’ll start the ball rolling- I bought my first brand new car six weeks after graduating high school in July 1993. It was a 1993 Honda Civic LX 4-door, 5-speed manual and the color was called Harvard Blue (close to Navy) with light gray interior. It wasn’t just my first new car; it was my first car with power windows, power locks, power mirrors or even power steering! It was the first one to have cruise control and the first to have a CD player. I loved that little car from the moment I saw it and I still can’t help smiling a little when I think back on it…
I remember haggling for hours because I wasn’t leaving without that car and I wasn’t going to pay a cent more than $15,000 out-the-door for it! After almost eighth hours, we were stuck at $15,300 and I actually heard the Sales Manager tell my salesman, “Fuck it, I’ll pay the $300 myself if it will make him leave!” But I got it for $15,000 exactly and I remember my payment were 314.33 for 60-months.
Looking back, it honestly amazes me just how damn tough and well-built that little car was! It was literally INDESTRUCTIBLE! I drove the living hell out of it each and every day. I went to school, delivered pizza at night and on weekends and had various courier and delivery part-time jobs on the days I didn’t have class. In barely three years and two months, I racked up 186,000 miles!!! Even so, it still purred like a kitten and readily revved to the 6750rpm redline just like it did the day I bought it.
When it was barely a year old, the tires were almost bare and I was driving home in a heavy downpour around 1am on a Saturday night. I hit a huge puddle of standing water in a long straightaway going well over the 55mph speed limit and spun 360 degrees three times then landing in the 8-ft deep drainage ditch along the roadside. The wheels were buried up to the axle on the axles on the right side and it ‘looked’ like the car was resting on its right side against the far side of the ditch. It was too freaked out to walk two miles in the rain to the nearest pay phone to call my mom to come get me. So I just turned on my flashers and reclined the driver’s seat to wait out the rain before I started hiking. Luckily, a Deputy Sheriff came along about 10 minutes later and he was kind enough to drive me another 10 miles to my house! My step-dad and I went to check out the damage to my car as soon as the sun started rising the next morning. He happened to have a tow rope in the toolbox of his truck, so we yanked it out of the ditch to see how bad it was before we called for a tow truck. The wheels were caked with tons of mud but there wasn’t a single scratch on that car! The man who lived in the house across the street from where I crashed came outside and used his water hose to rinse most of the mud of the wheels so I could try to drive the car home. It drove like nothing ever happened.
The next winter, I was working the overnight shift at Kroger and ventured out in an ice storm to go to work. I hit a huge patch of black ice going downhill a few miles from my house and went sideways and lost control. I left the asphalt, jumped over a ditch and plowed right thru a barb-wire fence before coming to rest in a cow pasture (near a cow, actually)! I called a tow truck and he took me on to work and we dropped the car off at my cousin’s house along the way. My cousin picked me up from work the next morning at 7am and I went to see how bad my car was trashed. All it needed was a new front bumper cover and there were a few scratches that mostly buffed out from the barbed wire.
As I said, it was INDESTRUCTIBLE! In September 1996, I decided that I wanted a new Accord like my older sister had just got. I sold my Civic an bought a ’96 Accord LX 4-door that I absolutely hated for the three years I was forced to keep it….who knows how long that Civic would have kept going ….
Now it’s your turn……let’s hear from some of you……