Alright, what’s so fine and great about your fancy pants leader?
My boss? He’s a judge. His pants are actually rather run of the mill.
Oh wait, do you mean Cecil?
It’s about a quart but in metric.
My pants are all dull I’m afraid. And they don’t have a leader.
Sorry, you meant le-`der. All hail Cecil!
n n n n n n n n batman!
Nice hair. That’s about it.
MEXICO is the Greatest Country EVER!!! EVERYONE should visit Mexico as soon as possible! Bow BEFORE MEXICO! ONLY THE FAITHFULL WILL INHERITE THE MEXICO HEAVAN!
Would you like us to take you to him?
My leader went out golfing for his first time and hit a hole-in-one 11 times.
Then he wrote a popular song.
And then he innovated the movie industry by having a hero sing to himself in the movie.
He also made works like “Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung’s Instructions for National Reunification” and “Let Us Reunify the Country Independently and Peacefully through the Great Unity of the Entire Nation”
He also said that in case of war, people should still sing.
He also removed a fence from the area around a power station.
If only I knew if he was called ‘Dear Leader’ or ‘Great Leader’
Actually, all we have left is his Nose. But the cloning project is coming along nicely, as long as no nebbishy guy from the past shows up to comically screw things up.
The Earl is a fine gentleman and a gracious host and I’m proud to call him my Chief. Our Clan couldn’t ask for a better leader.
to my small dev team i AM the Leader.
Go me!
Now there, Mr Schubert. Take us to your lieder. :rolleyes: