My best friend is a guy. We’ve been best buds since our junior year in high school (uhm…11 years?)
We had known eachother since 5th grade, from band. He was a spazzy kid and a wrestler (and in band, of course). I was a nerdy kid. We were friends by default - just because you’re friends by default with everyone in band.
In high school I was buddies with this girl who was 2 years older. We were in band together (pattern…). She was 10x nerdier than me and way uptight. One day on a bus trip she told me she liked someone on the bus. I guessed every guy’s name except that spazzy wrestler dude. I finally guessed his name and she nodded and I freaked out.
Since I “knew” him more than her, I was set to the task of telling him that she had a crush. I marched up to him in the student lounge…he had some chick sitting on his lap…and told him that he had to ask my friend to homecomming.
They went to homecomming, had a lovely time. They’ve been hitched ever since our freshman year.
At the beginning, I was not too happy with this arrangement. Lunchtime used to be me and her. Now me, her and spazz. When we got to our sophomore year, she was visiting college and I loathed having to be left to eat lunch alone with him on those days.
But being around her was changing him. He quit wrestling and grew up a little. He realized he was smart. REALLY good at math. Started applying himself more and settling down. He worked his way up to my level of nerdiess. heh.
By the time she went off to college, he and I were best friends. We sat next to eachother in band, became the BIGGEST band geeks in the band (yay us!) and hung out all the time at school. After school, she’d hang with us too.
We were together like glue in high school then we all 3 went to college together and still were like glue. People did indeed think we were dating. We were known as “hisname and jj” - rarely separate In college, he had architecture lab in my dorm and I’d let him crash on my extra bed all the time. We had regular monthly “dates” at this Italian restaurant we both loved.
The summer after our softmore year, the two got married. I was their maid of honor. Had a wonderful time.
We still always do stuff together…not so much right now as we both (me and the couple) have new homes. But we have a “best friend contract” which means I help them move and they help me move, and we do unpleasant things together, and we have special yearly events that we do together, and I always declare him (or usually them now) as my best friend.
He is my only male friend I have never had a crush on. One time I had a dream that I kissed him and it FREAKED me the hell out. Made me depressed for weeks. I can say I love him. I love him like a brother but with the extra added bonus of not sharing genes. We can make mom jokes and pat eachother’s butts without weirdness