Terrence Howard is insane in the brain

Anyone seen this? He is like Elon Musk crossed with Kayne West and wrapped in Cliff Claven.

Was he auditioning to take over Bill Maher’s show?

Of course.

A hint to Stephanie Holland, who authored the story on The Root: the term you’re looking for to describe Terrence Howard’s views on science-related subjects is not “unorthodox” or “controversial”, it’s “crazypants” or possibly “full-blown narcissistic dementia”.

I couldn’t have told you who Terrence Howard was before this episode, or even now for that matter.

I recall reading many years ago about his insistence that 1 x 1 = 2 and therefore the entirety of established physics and mathematics is wrong.

It would appear he’s gotten even zanier since then.

Yeah, he’s been completely nuts for years. This is just more of the same.

He’s also an misogynistic asshole with a history of physical abuse against women. This is from nine years ago.

We can laugh at his ridiculous assertions about math and science, but we should bear in mind that he’s dangerous and violent on top of being an egotistical loon.

hes the guy that’s been bitching for almost 15-20 years after getting replaced as the sidekick in marvels Iron Man series because he wanted more than they wanted to pay him and was an asshole to boot

He came to prominence as the star of Hustle and Flow. Aside from his role mentioned in Iron Man, another notable role was as the AADA in Law and Order: LA. But it seems he has been crazy forever.

Like Charlie Sheen, he can act well when he’s got writing and direction. On his own it’s all looneytoons.

I wonder how much it would cost for Marvel to CGI-replace all of Howard’s footage in the first Iron Man movie with Don Cheadle.

Why? I don’t think anyone cares that they switched actors, do they?

Would that be legal? Like does Howard have any image rights or residuals that would be affected?

“Kanye West is talking crazy again.”

Terrence Howard: “Hold my beer.”

If anyone wants to dive into that idiotic rabbit hole, here you go:

I love how he is still so butthurt that he was let go from the MCU for being greedy that now he’s trying to make up stories about how basically RDJ only got the role because of him. Even though 2008 was well after his comeback and after he had a number of major roles in big name movies already, so I doubt he would have faced any issues getting hired at that point.

But he can kill gravity, so what do I know. :laughing:

Who did he play? Alfred?

He was Col. Rhodes in the first Iron Man movie, replaced by Don Cheadle in subsequent movies. Hence my half-assed joke upthread about CGI-ing him out of the first movie and sticking Don Cheadle in there.

Okay, never heard of Col. Rhodes.

Or saw an Ironman movie (but you probably inferred that).

Also never saw Hustle and Flow (is that a Wonder Twins origin story? ”Form of: Usain Bolt!” “Shape of: a running faucet!”)

Not familiar with L&O either, except I think Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast was in it.

He was! As was Kylo Ren, The Black Panther, Sydney Bristow, Kate Brewster, Nurse Jackie, Christine Daaé, Jules Winnfield, Doc Ock, Jessica Fletcher, Michael Weston, Bucky “Winter soldier” Barnes, and Black Widow’s daddy.

I saw this YouTube debunking recap of Howard’s scientific batshittery:

Terrence Howard is Legitimately Insane

It’s almost 50 mins. long so I didn’t finish it.

Way too many bizarre pronouncements to list, but I did not know, among many other things, that “Carbon is bisexual”.

He should know that carbon is Omnisexual.

Sodium Incels hate it, can’t bond with it… :slight_smile:

Until he died - now Jimmy Olsen is in it

Huh? [checks IMDB] no shit! I did not know that!

Rhodes was a superhero in his own right, both in comics and in the MCU films. He wore a suit similar to Iron Man but it was more military-oriented (which makes sense) and went by the name War Machine. It also most often had a black and silver color scheme as opposed to Iron Man’s red and gold.