What a disappointment. It was a great show. I loved the weekly plots and enjoyed the season’s arc. Great acting. It didn’t use over the top action and nick of time cliche’s that happened most drama shows.
It always had a small twist or turn whenever you expected a plot theme.
Ditto. I paid to watch it – $1.89 per week from Amazon, and I would have paid more. I’m hoping there’ll be a DVD release, maybe a summer rerun. If we can’t have more seasons, at least more people might discover it. It was a damn fine show, in every way that matters.
Too bad it didn’t fit a formula. All the formula shows seem to do well.
Damn, that’s disappointing, even more so than Rubicon’s cancellation. I kind of expected Rubicon to go - it was a pretty shaky season, even by first-season standards, and I’m not heartbroken about it. But Terriers was a great show out of the gate. I happened upon it by accident, though, and I think that was what doomed it. The marketing gave you absolutely NO idea what the show was really about, and unless you stumbled upon it, you’d probably never find out.
That they’re a ‘scrappy little’ detective agency. I agree that the name of the show did little to help people figure out what kind of show it was.
Time to watch the final 2 episodes with a tear in my eye:(
Great news, fans. Terriers (all 13 episodes) is now available for streaming on Netflix. I’m in the middle of the pilot and just had to share the news with y’all.
I would suspect so but don’t know it as fact. The disc version of the Netflix set is in the “save” status which usually means the discs aren’t available (from Netflix) as such. Other sources may have the DVD’s though. I’ve watched several great TV shows in streaming mode at Netflix, so it might be worth reconsidering for you.
Thanks, Zeldar. The episodes are all available to me (I watched via Amazon) but I want something shareable. AFAIK, I can’t share the Amazon episodes, or copy them tp a disk. I hate watching TV on the PC, but my cable company doesn’t carry FX, so Amazon is how I watched Terriers and Justified.