Testing how to make a poll.

As the title states, I’m testing how to make a poll. The choices are deliberately silly ones for this purpose.


I can’t believe anyone in their right mind would vote for two fish. What’s wrong with you people?

Hey, the poll wouldn’t let me vote for one fish twice. So what was I supposed to do?

I feel oddly compelled to vote in this poll.

I felt oddly compelled to vote for two fish.

Me, two.

Wait a minute. Have we ever seen Abe Vigoda and two fish in the same room?

Good job. Pats cochrane on the head.

It said this was a public poll. My policy is never vote in a public poll, but I also never pass up a chance to vote for Abe Vigoda, so I went for it. But now I see it’s not a public poll after all.

It is a public poll. You gotta click on the numbers.

Aha! Thanks. And now I see multiple choices were permitted. But really, it can only be Abe.

Wait what?

Did you just call Abe Vigoda “silly”? :mad:

Of course Abe Vigoda is the correct answer.

Since this is a test post, and I’m recently back after a long absence I want to see if I can still make a link work.

At least I didn’t call him the late Abe Vigoda. :smiley:

Abe Vigoda is never late.