Texans/political junkies, whaddya think about Tuesday's primary?

As a moderate Democrat, I’m, for the most part, content. I’ll run down the contests:

Governor: I was glad Sanchez won because he’s the strongest candidate; Morales had too much baggage with the tobacco lawsuit. Sanchez struck me as a little slimy at first, but he became more polished as he went along, and Morales’s own sleaze might’ve made him look better by comparison. Will Hispanics turn out in droves in November not only because he’s generated so much excitement in the community, but because Perry doesn’t exactly have the greatest history with them?

Senate: I was a bit saddened by Ken Bentsen’s departure. He was a capable and assiduous congressman, and I hope he runs for office again. He might be dull as dishwater, but he would do well at nearly any elected post. That said, I’m glad Kirk made it to the runoff. Victor Morales strikes me as an anti-Bentsen, there are gaps in his knowledge of the issues and I don’t think there’s any chance that he could win. So, will Kirk a) make it out of the runoff and b) be able to beat Cornyn? The big question with b is will Texans elect an African-American to the Senate?

Congress: Lots of contested races. Can Chapman beat Hensarling in the 5th? Hensarling seems pretty conservative, but so was Pete Sessions. I was ecstatic when Carroll Robinson made the runoff in the 25th, he’s been a major player in the organization I worked with and he’d do well in Congress. But can he beat Bell in a runoff?

OK, those are my thoughts and questions, what are yours?

For the 1 or 2 folk who don’t know, I stand firmly with the far right wing of the GOP. So, feel free to take my analysis with a grain of salt, or dismiss it as wishful thinking.

I plan to vote for Rick Perry for governnor and for John Cornyn for the Senate, and I expect them to win. But… ethnic pride is the wild card here, and it COULD change everything.

A white Democrat would stand no chance of beating Rick Perry. A liberal Democrat would stand no chance, either. But Tony Sanchez is a (relatively) conservative Hispanic Democrat, and that certainly gives him a shot at winning. The Hispanic vote tends to go solidly Democratic anyway- despite his best efforts, George W. Bush never came close to winning a majority of Hispanic voters.
But if the presence of a guy named Sanchez excites Hispanic voters, there COULD be a great increase in Hispanic turnout at the polls.

Historically, Republican candidates like Bush or Perry could win if they got a mere 37% of a small Hispanic turnout. But what if they get only 15 or 20% of a HUGE Hispanic turnmout? They might be big trouble… especially because, despite his ethnic name and fluenct Spanish, Sanchez is relatively light-skinned and comes across as a Texas good ol’ boy. He’s not likely to scare white voters- indeed, as a folksy, relatively conservative Democrat, he certainly has a chance to attract voters who’d usually go Republican. Since he’s a very rich oil man, he can’t very well be attacked as a standard tax and spend liberal.

Moreover, IF Sanchez succeeds in bringing out a large number of Hispanics to the polls (it would have to be FAR more than usual), that could affect races down the line… especially if Victor Morales wins the runoff for the Senate.

Now, for the Senate runoff… I have a lot of respect for Dallas mayor Ron Kirk, and while I won’t vote for him, I think he’s a highly capable man, and might have made a strong gubernatorial candidate. However, I don’t think he’d win the election if nominated. If the November elections pits him against John Cornyn, I expect Cornyn to win handily.

Now, I have VERY little respect for Victor Morales. He strikes me as a dim bulb. The first time he ran for the Senate, against Phil Gramm, he made for an interesting Cinderella story, and he milked that for all the media coverage and sympathy he could get. But the more people see and hear from him, the less there is to like. He’s smug, obnoxious, and ignorant- that makes for a bad combination. If the November race pitted him against Cornyn in November, Cornyn SHOULD win on the merits. But…

There’s that ethnic pride factor, again. If people get to know what a moron Morales is, he can’t win. But if he keeps his mouth shut, this may be the year that his ethnic name is enough to win the election for him.

In short: Kirk is a much smarter man, a much more qualified candidate, and a much more impressive figure than Victor Morales. But Kirk stands almost no chance of winning in the fall, whereas Morales stands a decent chance of winning if he runs a “stealth” candidacy (lots of commercials for Morales, but NONE in which he’s allowed to speak).

Major surprise and disappointment: Texas is one of the few states in which all major state judges are elected, rather than appointed. Unfortunately, most people have no idea who the judges are, and incompetent, unqualified morons are elected on a regular basis by uninformed voters. This year, qualified incumbent judge Lee Yeakel was defeated by a flake who entered the primary on a whim (it probably didn’t hurt that this yahoo’s name was “Law”).

I happen to think the average voter is unqualified to select judges. I’d prefer that judges be appointed. Election fiascos like this one only confirm my belief.

On the Senate race, if Ron Kirk can get some air time, his eloquence, intelligence and tremendous charm are going to get him some voters, and I see him coming out of the runoff as the winner. Ken Bentsen had a lot of support here in Houston and I think quite a few of them will throw their support behind Kirk.

I agree it is unlikely he would defeat John Cornyn, even if they do several televised debates, which would show off some of Kirk’s strengths. I’m no fan of Cornyn, but I don’t think he will stick his foot in his mouth. I think Texans would elect an African-American to the Senate – if he or she ran on the Republican ticket.

I’m a liberal who voted in the Democratic primary, to get that out of the way.

On the governor’s race, I don’t think that either candidate had a particularly good showing in the primary race. In my opinion, both candidates ran a despicable mudslinging campaign, and Sanchez was the winner when the dust cleared. These two sleazeballs almost made me vote for John WorldPeace.:rolleyes: I may even vote for Perry in November. Even though I disagree with his policies, he seems like the only sincere and honest person left. I’ll vote for Sanchez when pigs fly. Dude actually said that Dan Morales was ashamed to be Hispanic. That’s just too underhanded for me.

On the senate race, I voted for Kirk, as he seems to be the best candidate for the job. I don’t know that much about Cornyn, so I’ll just have to learn more before I form an opinion.

At least Wentworth defeated that blowhard Shields in the Republican primary for Texas senate. What a relief!