Thank you, kind sir. I think.

From the Doofus Division of the Just In Case You Forgot The Years of Craniofacial Reconstruction Department:

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting a (and I mean this) dear colleague’s new wife. Lovely woman.

Today the dear colleague dropped by my desk and announced: “So [Lovely New Wife] thinks you’re just gorgeous. You can’t even tell you had all that plastic surgery! Well, other than the scars.”

I adore the guy. I really do. He’d sooner chew glass than knowingly hurt my feelings.

But, like … sigh. Sniff.

Would you like me to kneecap him for you? :wink: His scars will be barely visible!

What an amazing statement. I can’t believe anyone can utter this and not realize it will be hurtful.

When I turned 35 I was consulting and one of the engineers at the place I was consulting said: “No offense, but you look much older.” LOL. How do you start a sentence with “No offense” and expect others not to be offended?

But back to your problem. Your friend is obviously a man of quality, or you wouldn’t adore him - so forgive him this one moment of offishness. He may have been reaching for gentle teasing and missed it by a mile.

I don’t understand how someone would gently tease about scars. That’s just wrong. Was this elective or reconstructive surgery? Either way, it’s very insensitive.

Oh, reconstructive surgery. Cleft lip with a lot of jaw and nose and sinus involvement. Ick.

He is truly a gentleman. I think he just had one of those awful thinking-aloud moments.

Your colleague and his Lovely New Wife are Joe_Cool and Jersey Diamond, right?

My teenaged kids had a bunch of friends over once, and one of the guys said to one of the girls, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t do anything for me.” I was walking through the room, stopped dead in my tracks and asked him, “Just for the record, what’s the right way to take that?” He didn’t have an answer, so I made him apologize for being a doofus. He doesn’t come around much any more…

Oh shit. That was great, Eve! We call them The Decorum Twins!

MercyStreet, you’re a doll to be so forgiving. I’m not sure I could do it. I’m sure you look terrific!

Your colleague and his Lovely New Wife are Joe_Cool and Jersey Diamond, right?

“Hello, IT? I seem to have horked diet Snapple all over the keyboard.”

Can’t talk…Iced Tea comin’ out my nose…

oh FUCK that was funny.

Can’t talk…Iced Tea comin’ out my nose…

“You can’t even tell you had all that much to drink. Well, other than the iced tea shooting from your nose.”

Eve-you’re so bad! :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, I don’t even mind having been so viciously insulted that I spent a week with my head buried under the pillows, because at least I finally got a good wisecrack out of it!

Y’see, it all comes out right in the end.