Thank you, members of the SDMB

Hi, most of you don’t know me. I don’t post very often, but I’ve lurked for quite a while now.

You people are the funniest, the most intelligent and well-versed, the most rational and supportive group of people on the web. I’ve suspected this, but now that I have tried out other message boards, I know it. You feed my hungry, hungry brain.

This was originally going to be a slam directed at another message board I go to, but I though I’d rather accentuate the positive. So there you go - thank each and every one of you for making me so very happy to turn on my computer. And a special thanks goes out to the mods, who are so good at keeping up appearances around here.

I join you in thanking the other members. This really is a unique place. I too have tried out other boards and I am amazed and disappointed in how very low they can be. Racist, immature, irresponsible, incoherent.

The SDMB is one in a billion.

You’re welcome. I hope you stick around and keep the SDMB average up.

And thanks for staying positive!


Despite the fact that the “help me with this math question” threads make me feel like the biggest idiot on Earth, you guys are great.

Thanks for letting me contribute every now and again.

karamon - break out and post! We don’t bite (er, except Johnny Bravo).

Well said, and heartily seconded.

I concur. Numerous love snaps to all Dopers, even Bricker.

Just kidding, Rick.

Yep, it’s the best! And karomon, I wouldn’t call you a lurker. Your post per day ratio is way higher than mine! :smiley: