Thank You Swift Boat Veterans

To the Swiftys:

Thank you for watching our back when it was needed. And again you stood for what you believe in. We listened…and will watch your back!

John O’Neill must be smiling:)

You believe in bearing false witness?


To the Swifties:

No thanks. No thanks for engaging in character assassination, deliberate falsehood, and preying on the stupid. No thanks for betraying the values for which you fought in Vietnam. And while it wasn’t directly caused by you, no thanks for providing fodder for messageboard trolling.

This is beyond stupidity…and I’m about as apolitical as they get on this board.

Yeah, thanks for being a bunch of stinking liars and scumbags. Thanks too for the scumbags who 1) believed them 2) justified their crap and 3) still think they are the greatest thing since the wheel.
I’ll watch their back for them alright, just to watch for the chance to plant a knife in it.

Into the Cosmo’s again, are you, Snaggletooth?

What exactly is the OP pitting, given Snaggletooth’s obvious political bent and the seeming lack of satire in the post?

Is the Pit now a place for free-form gloating? :confused:

Dear God,

Thank you for making the Swifties and Snaggletooth mortals who can’t possibly spill their drivel for more than another 70 years or so.

Well, more like 5-10 years for the Swifties, but I’m pretty sure widdle Snaggly hasn’t grown snatch hair yet and thus probably has maaany more years left to torment the intelligent.

Anyhow, it’s the thought that counts. THANKS BUNCHES! xoxoxoxo

What’s the best way to clean vomit off a keyboard?

I could make a whole bunch of nasty comments about the Swifties, but I’ve never actually met any of them.


Pepsi. Take a swig of soda and go read the feeding semen to goldfish thread.

And Snaggletooth demonstrates how conservatives “support” veterans.

Sooner or later, one way or another, there will come a day of reckoning. With time secrets will out. Truth will triumph and justice will be served. When that day comes we will look for you stand up and take your medicine, friend Snaggletooth.

Do you remember the Thanksgiving 2003 thread on weapons of mass destruction? Let our friend profit by that example.

I am not a conservative or a republican. Yes I support the vets finically and donate when I can.

yeah I have no wit. I knew it would turn in to a pit. Say something…anything they will come.


SteveG1, andros type post was what I was looking for.

Disagreement is one thing but the hatred on both side is well…amusing some how.

You missed Polycarp’s question, snaggletooth. It was a good one:

Sure I hate the Swifties, as much as I can hate anyone I never met. So what. I don’t feel bad or ashamed about it, they are the lowest whaleshit in the ocean. Fuck them.

OH, I get it! Snaggleface is trolling. Again.



So you’re just a douchebag who supports lying to smear someone’s character. I guess that’s different from conservative.

Yes I would I am not above reproach. When you say something you stand by it. If this statement is to be found hateful as some suggested I would admit that I was wrong.

SteveG1, andros type post was what I was looking for.

Disagreement is one thing but the hatred on both side is well…amusing some how.

So you admit that you’re blatantly trolling…how’s that goat taste?