Thanks for Nothin'! November Mini-Rants

Well he was denied for acute rehab. Now we are waiting for a placement for sub-acute. Hopefully at Mary Free Bed not some nursing home. Guh!

Good luck. My mom had to go into a skilled nursing home twice (broke her hip twice). Looked nice enough, but she hated it.

On the other hand, my cousin did at home hospice for her sister. It was about 3 months before she passed on. It was not a good situation.

I just wanted to chime in to add that “Go The Fuck To Sleep” is a bizarre classic.

Well, it seems Mary Free Bed wanted to try one more appeal. I am assuming it will fail. Mean while Hubster is stuck in the hospital until they can transfer him to some sort of rehab. Acute, sub-acute. I found out the MFB sub accute only has 46 beds, so that may well be the issue. I know, it is now December. I’m sure I will have more ranting for December to come.

Kind of really fucking sick of webinars. I had a two-hour “Financial Deep Dive” webinar yesterday which was basically MDHHS describing how hard their job was, followed by Leadership webinars all day today. My brain is mushed. I miss when people used to sit down in the same room together.

As a nice update, though, our organization is finally getting its shit together. I knew if I hung in there long enough we would get it done. We have the right team. This is the work of a lifetime, isn’t it? When everybody’s abandoning ship, to be one of the few who stayed to right the ship. I have pride in that.

You should take pride in that. I just turned 63yo today. I will be retiring in a few years. That will put me at 33 years on the job. I am not getting involved in any new projects (they can take years). I’m making videos of what the hell it is I do. I like these people, I don’t want to leave them holding the bag.

Psst—it’s December.


Sometimes sticking it out works, and sometimes you go down with the ship. But congrats to the max on having the right team now and making a good go of it.