This is not a post party… just a pause to muse pointlessly and mundanely that this is my kilo-post and for the life of me, I can’t imagine that I’ve had that much to contribute.
OK, so contribute may be a bit strong. Perhaps share is more appropriate. Perhaps natter?? Perhaps I should consider finding a more active way to pass hours upon hours of my life??
Anyway, having crossed the threshhold to 4 digits, I felt the need to point it out to all and sundry. That’s all. Nothing more to say here…
smug - slacker, indeed!! I’ll have you know that I have a life away from here. After all, someone has to feed the dogs and do the laundry and cook dinner and pick up the kid after her activities and buy deodorant and… damn - I need a wife!!
Redboss - how very sweet! Not as sweet as chocolates might have been, but no doubt you’ve missed the various references I’ve made to my addiction… No matter - it’s the thought that counts, right?? <how incredibly tacky was that??? Thank you for the lovely verse! I’ve been meaning to mention that you’re becoming a favorite of mine…
thinksnow - heck, my dad was a Marine, as was my FIL - I don’t mind being seen with you… grog all you want!