Thats The Last Time I Send My Dad To The Store To Get Beer.

Come on Dad, you should know that when someone asks you to bring back beer, You bring it chilled, out of the cooler. Not the warm stuff. Also don’t buy an 18 pack when I only gave you cash for a 12’er.

Ah kids these days, what are you going to do?

Did he at least get something good? Is there a silver lining here?

Yeah, I sent my dad to the 'hood to get hookers and blow. He brought back bait and a fan.
Some guys just don’t get it.

SSG Schwartz

[grouchy beer snob]
Only swill comes in 18 packs.

He brought back Budweiser, which is what I asked for. I have a decision making problem under pressure, so I asked for my fallback beer. As soon as the car pulled out I realized “Guinness!” but it was too late. :smack:

You poor bastard, I’m drinking a sympathy Guinness for you right now.

this is why god (or man, I forget which) invented cell phones

I’m kind of new to the whole cellphone thing and actually forgot I had that option. One of these days it will kick in that A-I have a phone that will work anywhere, and B-I’m allowed to use it as much as I want, whenever I want.

What I really wanted though was some Boddington’s. Unfortunately I have yet to find any around here. On the upside I found a bar that serves this

At least a few of them anyways.

it’s a wonderful time we live in :smiley:

Nice, I’m a bit of a beer snob, meself. Unfortunately I live in Japan, and while their standar beer (usually asahi or kirin) is MUCH better than the big American beers (or, I guess, Budweiser, which isn’t techincally American anymore) they’re all lagers and I’m an ale guy. I love me some IPA, specifically, and I hail from California where we have oodles of microbrews on tap at every bar with its salt. Going from that to “nama beer” and wondering if you’re getting kirin or asahi but not really caring cause they basically taste the same is a pain not worth knowing

I sent my husband for beer before dinner, and not only did he bring it back from the cooler he put it in the fridge when he got home.

I tip back my ice cold Fat Tire in sympathy.

The grocery store in my town sells Sam Adams and Newcastle once in a blue moon. I then pay 18 bucks for a 6 pack because I’m desperate for beer that tastes like something.

Actually, a friend of mine did discover one Yona Yona ale, which was surprisingly flavorful. Not unlike Sam, actually. He found it in a conbini, no less. Since it was a J beer, it sold cheap(er). But of course, there was surely too much flavor for the nihonjin, and I haven’t seen it since.

yea there are a few decent j-beers I’ve found. I also live near an Apia mall with a little osake-ya that sells quite a few imported beers, including some of my favorites (like Prohibition Ale from Speakeasy Brewing Company in San Francisco, and the Ruiniation double IPA from Stone Brew Co in… somewhere in SoCal :stuck_out_tongue: ) Last time I bought the Ruination the owner looked at me and said “very bitter!” and I smiled and said “i know, it’s one of my favorite beers” he was very surprised. nihonjin can’t take such pleasures, hehe. I usually end up spending about $30 for 6 beers, though, which is freakin ridiculous, but well worth it when you need a BEER.

OK, this is the part I don’t get. You gave him only enough money for 12 beers. He bought 18 beers (presumably by paying for them himself?). You got MORE beer than you paid for? Bwuuuuu?

He can be a jerk to me anytime.

I assumed his pops came home and asked for the difference.

First prize is a dozen Bud.

Second prize is 18 Bud.

Have you considered home brewing? Making highly hopped ales is a task easier than preparing many Asian foods.

Damn, that’s well trained! :slight_smile:

Yay Boddingtons! :slight_smile: But I can only get it in cans here :mad:

So yay Old Speckled Hen :slight_smile:

If I were to send my Dad to the store for beer, I’d actually be asking for something different too… like a swift kick in the ass.

Did he bring you back an apostrophe?