The 2500th Doper Is ... ?

I missed it. Sonuvabitch, after going to all the trouble of starting this thread, I missed it. The counter reads 3040 as of this post.

Welcome to the fold, Poogas21, if indeed you are lucky #3000.

–Da Cap’n

Of course, I’ve ruined it by posting, but I’d like to point out that as things now stand, the MPSIMS thread list reads:


Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!

Good Lord, that Auraseer disease is contagious.

What’s next, unlinkable threads?

It’s cool to be black in America. You get all this extra attention from sales people in fancy stores.
SterlingNorth, First Runner-Up

:::taking poogas21 aside:::

Poogas- Use caps trust me. Use caps.
