The 40 worst Rob Liefeld drawings - PART 2!

He appears to be supporting the gun with the back of his left hand. Which is better than the girl, whose left hand appears to be some kind of claw-like appendage.

Also, and not to be overly picky, her legs don’t even align with her torso. They appear to be the legs of someone facing our left while her torso goes to our right.

Damn, thanks for the link - that’s some funny shit.

I used to have an illustrator friend who used to always wear a “Alright then YOU draw it, smart guy” t-shirt.

But the point is that I’m not claiming to be an artist. If Rob Liebfeld calls himself an artist, he should be able to draw a human being.

Right. Liefeld (and peers like J Scott Campbell) are prone to such things as widely different-length limbs, or limbs that if you continue the line have attachment points in mid-air or along the medial rather than lateral aspect, and that’s even on figures at rest. That doesn’t look stylized or impressionistic, it looks like you rushed… Even caricature is expected to do those things only for deliberate comedic effect.

Hey, at least he managed to get a finger inside each trigger guard, as opposed to having guns sort of glued to the side of his hands. That’s better than usual. I might suspect that he farmed it out to some intern, except that the fingers are all still the wrong proportions and unreasonably tiny compared to the rest of the guy. An intern capable of actually mastering the rudiments of gunfire would probably get those right.

Well, “mastering” is a bit strong. The…discharges, whatever they are, do not appear to be emanating from either the actual barrel or the ever-mysterious second hole. Instead, they’re coming from behind the guns somewhere.

While we’re at it, look at Grifter’s renfest booties. They’ve got a fold-over at the top. The laces, instead of being on the inside of the fold-over so that the laces pull the boot closed at the leg, are on the outside of the flap. Where they’ll do nothing. Doesn’t Liefield know how to tie shoes? Has he never tied his own?

Also, even if Grifter is balanced en-pointe (? like a ballet dancer), he’s gotta be leaning forward at greater than a 45[sup]o[/sup] angle for his left leg and foot to be so far up behind his back that his foot isn’t visible.

Feet, as everyone knows, are like kryptonite to Liefeld.

I was going to say that the Captain America picture may be the best thing he has ever drawn.

Sad but true.

And he’s still drawing the ladies with 40-16-38 measurements (not to mention the S-curve spines) meaning they must be storing their instestines in their bosoms and backsides.

And legs. And arms and hands. And torsos. And heads and faces and hair.

But other than those areas, Liefeld is good at drawing people.

I’ll come in again.

Holy shit, that was amazing. This brought me so much happiness.