The Alberto Watch Thread

An unexpected upside of Wilma. Those were some of the most beautiful night skies I’ve seen in West Palm Beach. :slight_smile:

I just got off the phone with my mom, who lives about 20 miles SSW of Ocala. My parents are far enough inland that I don’t have to worry about them. Grandma, however, is refusing to leave her Homosassa home. We’re hoping she doesn’t get flooded out.

Well, Columbus, GA finally got some rain. I’m very glad hubby reminded me to put the doors back on the Wrangler.

Hope it wasn’t/isn’t too rough on anyone.

Seems like all we’re going to get out of this are a couple of beautiful Seattle days. I can live with that.

The retention pond behind my house is now a retention lake. The frogs are ecstatic (and loud!)

The frogs here are happy as well, Dung Beetle.
I was up at 4am listening to them, I could not sleep, and went to check on my basil and tomato plants, which were soggy but fine. We did need the rain.
The water has receded back to normal at the beach–good shelling out there.
It’s still gusty, but the skies are trying to clear.
It could be a long season, but I did survive my first tropical storm. :cool:

Good job. Now, get ready for the next one, in case it’s worse.

Nice opener to the season. No serious damage (that I’ve heard) and we got some badly needed rain. Whew.

Here in south Palm Beach County, we just had wind gusts that made some of the smaller trees in the parking lot lean at odd angles – and they’re still leaning! Snapped a few of the stabilizing cords that were put up after last year. And the sky is churning & growling like my guts after a Taco-Bell-a-thon.

Sounds like everyone’s weathered the storm ok in Florida. YAY! We’re getting rain here in southwest GA. A nice steady wonderful rain which will do the grass seed I planted last Friday great. Matter of fact, I’m going to go turn off the automatic sprinkler so it doesn’t come on in the morning. I like it when mama nature does the watering for me. :smiley: