The Amazing Race...11/08/05

I’m rooting for the Linzes at this point by default.

Michelle Godlewski is a bitch. Not only is she screwing up her team, but she’s going to be the basis for any number of horrible Freshman Psych 101 papers about the persistence of sibling dominance roles into adulthood. Won’t SOMEone think of all those poor, poor T.A.'s?

Mama Weasel is THE bitch. And i don’t feel sorry for Rolly. He’ll be arrested for some hate crime in a few years, himself.

Wally Bransen is everyone’s bee-yotch. Note to self: when choosing a partner for TAR, decline anyone who is afraid of speed. How the hell could they blow such a huge lead?

The Linzes have the least repulsive personalities and attitudes in the race. I hope they win.

Tonight’s Alternate Title: "Put It Between Your Legs And PUMP!"

Ok, I’m officially hating the Weavers now. Which of those female spawn started mocking the Desperate Housewives, who just tried to comfort them? Throwing apple cores at the Linz van while driving? And Mama Weevil just sits back and lets her kids misbehave…oh wait, they’re CHRISTIANS. They think they’re above the rules when it comes to dealing with unsaved heathens. (Sad thing is, their behavior is very typical of nearly all the Christians I’ve met.) I’m really starting to wonder if Daddy Weaver’s accident really was that much of an accident…

Funny thing is, I’m still rooting for them. Partly for Rolly, so he can take his quarter million and buy a new family. But mostly because the other 3 teams are so uninteresting. That’s okay, though – I like rooting for the evil team. :cool:


  1. Godlewskis: God, they’re noisy. Shoo-in for the final three (triple layers of underwear and everything) but probably won’t win.
  2. Linzes: Have they really never taken first place yet? That’s surprising. I’m predicting they win the next leg, but have some unforseen disaster strike them down and come in last the 2nd to last leg (which will be NEL) and forget to put extra clothes on so they run naked all the way to 1st Place. Hey, it probably won’t happen, but…
  3. Weavers: I’m wondering if Mama Weevil’s choice at the Go-Cart Roadblock wasn’t actually selfishly motivated, so she wouldn’t have to sit on the sidelines and worry to death as one of her kids raced around the track. At least, the kids didn’t look too happy, having to sit there and watch her. (And how come racing kiddie cars count as deadly, but FLYING STUNT AIRPLANES is just peachy??) I don’t think they’ll win, Evil Teams rarely win (or never, if you don’t think Freddy & Kendra were evil) but they might take 2nd.
  4. Bransens: Wally the Pimp! I’m guessing this is the next team eliminated, somehow related to Daddy Weaver not being able to keep up with his girls. (Haven’t I been saying that every leg, though?)
  5. Paolos: Aw, just when I was beginning to like 'em…

So…did tonight count as two episodes, or one double-length show? BiblioCat’s cable guide suggests this should count as two episodes with different names. This is important, because I’m making a DVD compilation of this show, and I’m really anal about that stuff. :smiley: What do you guys think?

Haven’t watched yet, just chiming in with what I’ve read in the thread:

You would need to ask Boston Rob that, as well as whoever this was actually directed at. Boston Rob appeared to have quite the stack of hats when we was on the Race – he was giving out Red Sox hats to everyone, everywhere, like a tip or something. Normal people have calling cards, but Boston Rob has tipping hats. I seriously think Rob’s pack was filled with nothing but caps, because he wore the same clothes for pretty much the whole Race, I think. Gross.

I’m with all y’all. Part of me wanted to hate the Linzes at the beginning, what with all the teeth and all, but also because I didn’t want to admit to myself that these guys are totally my type. I like to think I am above that sort of behavior – frat rats are so 10 years ago (for me anyway). But you know what? No, they’re still cute and funny. And I lurve them. If they haven’t already been inducted into the club, they’re in by now. (And remember that I don’t even know what cute stuff they did this week yet!)

Wow, that bad, huh? I’m sorry I missed it. It’s hubby’s turn to make dinner tonight, so I’ll start the Race as soon as I get home. You can expect some sort of prayer (or curse, depending) before Lost comes on tonight.

WHAT? They’re jerks AND litterbugs? Oh, HELL no. Draelin, hold my earrings. BiblioCat, get me the Vaseline. Someone pass me the hedge clippers, because I’m taking the Weevils down, and I am starting with Ma Weaver’s hair!

A double episode this time, hooray!

The Back Seat Report

"Over the River and Through the Woods…" - or, songs, happiness, and lots of familial love.
No one this week.

"Daddy’s driving right now, hon." - or, a little tension and impatience, but still far from the breaking point.
The Linzes (holding steady): This team tends to think with their muscles, but, seriously, that doesn’t seem to be much of an impediment this season. Hey, the Family Edition is designed for children. As a plus, the Linzes seem to have acquired a sibling with map-reading skills, and that’s a critical skill. My preseason favorite, and my favorite now.
The Godlewskis (up from “Almost there yet.”): They caught some major luck when forced to take another flight to Phoenix–the luck could just as easily have been bad. Still, they ran with their lead and would up with a first on both legs of this race. They have a distressing tendency to bicker about exactly where they’re going, but then, pretty much all the remaining teams do. Looks like the winner this season will come down to which team takes the correct exit off Route 66 and which one doesn’t.

"Are we almost there yet?" - or, some whining and dissent, but no more than you’d expect.
The Weavers (holding steady): Y’know, I’m still not quite getting why this team doesn’t like anyone else and no one else likes them. There’s active dislike now, but what started it? I dunno. I suppose the fact that the Weavers regard pretty much anything the other teams do, even sympathetic things, as negative could have something to do with it. But thats just me. And it is hard to live a Christian life, as this family demonstrates. If it was easy, they wouldn’t be failing at it, now would they? Anyway, I do have to give this team props for finishing the painting Detour in record time, and in picking the orienteering Detour–are none of the other teams smart enough to use a compass? Still, I’m liking the chances of the dumb but hard-charging Linzes and the squawking Godlewskis better than the borderline personality Weavers. We’ll see.

"Dad… Janie’s on my side again!" - or, conflict, bad feelings, things just not going right.
The Bransens (down from “Daddy’s driving”): They’re not doing terribly, but the Bransens are my choice for the team most likely to wind up in fourth place. Wally’s been slowly falling apart physically, and it looks like the fatigue is getting to him mentally, too. This isn’t the Amazing Slow-Down-and-Think-About-It, Wally. On the other hand, it isn’t the Amazing Take-The-Wrong-Route, either, so…

"Dad… Jimmy made poopy-pants in the back seat." - or, near disaster, and a whole lot of clean-up required before getting back on the road.
No one this week.

"ALL RIGHT, I’M TURNING THIS CAR AROUND RIGHT NOW!" - or, out of the Race and on their way home.
The Paolos (down from “Almost there yet?”): Navigation killed the Paolos this episode, and after they were doing so well previously. It amuses me that they weren’t able to successfully count the three SUVs in the parking lot at the end of the first leg. I won’t say anything about this lack of basic math skills, though, since the Paolos have been sufficiently punished by being forced to show their underpants to millions of prime time viewers. Ha ha.
The Gaghans: Out!
The Schroeders: Out!
The Aiellos: Out!
The Rogerses: Out!
The Blacks: Out!

Next week: A non-elim, d’ya suppose?

[sub]Props to Mullinator.[/sub]

CBS’s website lists both hours as seperate episodes (seven and eight).

Y’know, I feel exactly the same way. It’s a big thing to overlook, but if DJ and Mama weren’t SCREAMING at each other all the time, I think I would have really liked this family. When they toned down the volume, they could be very engaging.

Well, being a pack of evil two-faced bitches is different, right? So she’s not that far wrong…

Ha! I was thinking exactly the same thing when I saw Waldurr. First of all, why pack two caps to begin with? Second of all, why bother to keep both when you’re being non-eliminated? If it were me, I’d snap an extra pair of clear undies on my head rather than and extra ball cap.

I kept having “Vacation” moments - remember in European Vacation when the Griswolds only had something like 30 minutes to look at everything in the Lourve and you saw them whipping through glancing at everything quickly?
That’s what I thought of when they were at the Grand Canyon. “Look kids, it’s the Grand Canyon! Okay, 3 seconds, that’s enough time to appreciate this wonderful sight. Let’s go!”

Then again at the damn with the guides. I kept thinking of Vegas Vacation. “I’m the damn guide, welcome to the damn tour. If you have any damn questions, wait till the end of the damn tour. No running on the damn tour.” :smiley: Yeah, I’m 12 and I watch too much TV.

I think all of the Linzes have those “Who Dey?” shirts. They all say something different on the back. Megan’s says “Aunt Meg” on the back and the guy’s shirts say different things. As a non-Cincinati person, what is “Who Dey”?

I was also ready to throw things at the TV when the Weevils said the others have ‘no class.’ EXCUSE ME?!? Who was calling who ‘retards’ and making fun of their pictures and jobs and throwing trash and food at the other’s car? Grrrr… I wish they’d been eliminated rather then the Paolos.

I think DJ was scared for his life when the Weevils accosted him and asked they they were Yielded. Like someone said last week, it’s funny how everyone takes it so personally. Hey, it’s part of the game.

Actually I was thinking it was more like the scene from Vacation, where Clark hustled them away from…the Grand Canyon. And with Mama Paolo, I kept being reminded of one of Clark’s lines about the Grand Canyon “It’s only the biggest goddamned hole on the planet. Make that the second biggest.”

I was also disappointed with Phil. Usually he is quite happy to deliver some mat-based constructive criticism to obviously impaired racers, but he was quite supportive of the Weavers, failing to point out that people don’t hate them because they are beautifully Christian.

Count me and my wife among those who are quite sick of seeing portly Weaver girls in hot pants and tight shirts. They remind me of Weebils. Nasty, snarky, intemperate Christian Weebils.

Oh my. I think I will never get that shot of Mama Paolo in those bright white granny underpants out of my mind.

I loved the scene at the end, they show the Paolos just yelling at each other with subtitles…You Idiot! …and some other things… Reminds me a little of my Italian side, just a little. I will miss them. Arrivederci!

How cool would it have been if the Bransens had passed the Paolos while they were putting on all their clothes? Damn. They should have saw that and snuck up on them.

They started the 2nd episode out just like they started out a normal one, so it was 2 episodes to me.

Arizona Navajo greeter. A, lots of enthusiasm, nice authentic garb and pretty hot I guess.
The other greeter: B, Nice to see they’re grooming young greeters for the future. Not much enthusisam, but I think he was just plain scared. Didja see the look of fright in his face when the Paolos and the Desperate Housewives showed up?

I laughed my arse off when DJ(?) said “I think I’m in hell”, and the second time when one of the Linzes saw the Desperate Houswives driving by and one of them with her head out the window shouting to them from the back seat…“Man, she looked just like a dog with her head sticking out of the window”.

And what’s with the Desperate Housewives with their slow-motion jumping up and down after they win?? Sheesh…oh wait, well, on second thought…not so bad. :wink:

sidenote: I was all museumed out in Paris by the time I got to the Louvre, hit the high points and spent about 1 hour there. They even put the high points on the museum guide. It happens.

Pay special attention when they get pulled over. Adorably stupid. Makes me go kinda gooey, because I’m lame like that.

You know a woman’s been in a fight or two in her lifetime when the first thing she says is “Hold my earrings.” :slight_smile: I’m right behind ya, I’ll take the one without the highlights.

I myself am convinced that the late Daddy Weevil threw himself in front of that NASCAR just to get away from his Weevil Wife and Spawn!

And could she be only 46??? I don’t want to see her in 10 years!!! Yuck!

I think it counted as TWO episodes because TAR is NOT going to be on next week. There’s the CMA awards all Tuesday nite.

i did notice Mama Weaver’s hair, and it seemed shorter and less fluffy than usual? Anyone else notice that?? Seemed like she got a haircut?? Maybe it just takes up less space in AZ than in the jungle and the humid SE, but seemed more controllable.

But I do feel sorry for them, it must suck to have everyone hate you. Rolly did good on the flight, he’s probably never even driven a car.

It is part of a chant said by fans of the Cincinnati Bengals.

Awww, just watched the Paolos on the Early Show. Mama complained that her family never listens to her - “every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every year”. Harry gave her a big hug and told the boys to “Listen to your Mother!”.

DJ stated his attitude stemmed from the stress of the race and that they purposely edited the shows to make his relationship with Mama seem worse than it is. For example, when she was yelling at them to flip the boat last night and DJ wigged out - it was at least the fourth time (millionth per DJ) she nagged at them. Of course they showed only the last time. Hm, and every damn time she said they were going the wrong way or (heaven forbid) when she asked to look at the clue? Oh well.

They did confirm the Weevils are horrible people. DJ stated that anyone with half a brain can see how they are and what we’ve been seeing the last few episodes is the way they have behaved the whole way through.

Back to the episodes last night:
I missed bits and pieces such as when Papa Paolo couldn’t swim back. The man is strong as a bull, but the water beat him. I did enjoy watching Brian fly the plane - you could tell he was having a blast once he got over his fear. I’m going to miss this family.

The Godlewskis’ voices could peel paint off concrete. There’s something about their screeching that makes me shudder. Good on them for coming in first, but they bug. Seriously.

The Linzes also bug me just for their goofiness. It’s great that they’re having fun with all of this rather than being soo damn serious, but sometimes I just want to duct tape their yaps.

Wally’s World also irks me. Wally just seems oblivious.

And lastly, the Weevils. Hate. Even Rolly, moreso because I had to pause the TV whenever he was on screen for LilMiss than because he’s truly evil. He’s only partly evil. The rest of them? Horrible, horrible people.

Of course, silly me, I buy into the Paolo redemption arc. And after what the lovely Gaghan family said after their elimination about how great the Paolos are and that that bickering is just what they do, I tried really hard to view it as love expressed in an ass-backward way, and of course just when I succeed they go out. That being said, DJ’s line, “You know, Ma, this is a big river. I could drown you and nobody would ever find the body,” was my second favorite of the episode. My favorite? Ma Paolo complaining, “We’re going to Phoenix, Arizona? I want to go to New Zealand!”

The Weavers have just about worked my last nerve. Their hypocrisy is just sickening. I know a lot of good Christians of all varieties, and these folks? Ain’t that. And the girls’ skankwear has gotten really old. Especially with the cottage cheese thighs. I feel sorry for Rolly – he goes up in a stunt plane and does aerobatics and barely gets a mention, while Ma drives a go-kart and the girls act like it’s the scariest thing in the world. And then to reject the genuine kindness the Godlewski girls were showing by trying to encourage the Weaverettes while watching their mom, by saying flat-out, “They lie”? Trash. Pure trash. Which is what this family is. Way to go, Ma and (dead) Pa Weaver – you’ve succeeded in raising nasty, paranoid, martyred, chip-on-their-shoulders trash.

The Bransens aren’t doing much for me at all. Although Waldur pimping his girls at the casino was pretty funny. I get the impression that he’s a pretty cool dad, but as a racer? He pretty much sucks. Although he does have a point that it’s better to find out where you’re going before starting to just drive aimlessly.

The Linzes’ humor is a bit too juvenile/frat boy for my tastes, but I get the impression that they’re basically a bunch of good kids. And while the Godlewskis are way too screechy for my tastes, they also seem like good people. Also really lucky people – wow, did they catch some luck on that flight to Phoenix. Why didn’t the Gaghans get a bit of that luck?

All that being said, this race is still falling really flat. I’m more than ready for the REAL Amazing Race to return. And rumor has it that they’re off and running as of now. So keep your eyes peeled, folks!

Last night, I happened to take a good look at Blonde Weeble’s hot pants, and I’m pretty sure I have the same shorts. Only I bought them in the underwear section, and therefore wear pants over them when I leave the house.

Did anyone see the Paulos on the Early Show this morning. On the subject of the Weavers, DJ basically said that anyone who’s seen the last two episodes and who has functioning brain can see why the rest of the teams didn’t like the Weavers. That made me laugh.

My hate for the Weevils knows no limits. They are so hypocritical, loathsome, nasty people. They certainly think they are better people than everyone else on the team, but worse than that they use their Christian superiority to justify their assholish behavior. It’s almost like, “they deserve to have apple cores thrown them because they are godless and we are smiting the non-believers.”

ANd the look on their face when DJ explained he was trying to eliminate them was amazing. You wnat o…eliminate…us?? But why? Why? WHY???

Oh man, if hate could be put in a box and mailed to someone I would buy up the entire supply at Walgreen’s and overnight it with insurance to the Weavers.

Ma Paolo got bonus points from me for not only dressing up in her extra underwear, and persuading her family to do so, but for convincing the Bransen family to do so as well.

The Paolos lose points for failing to count correctly the nuimber of vehicles, generally bad navigation skills (especially in the parking lot at the airport before finding the marked vehicles), and for showing up at the mat in one of the most embarrassing outfits possible.

The Bransens get points for looking overdressed and awkward, but not truly embarassing. (In other words, if I can’t see your underwear, it is a good thing).

The Weavers lose major points for snarkiness about how all the other teams treat them poorly and they are so alone in the world as they throw apple cores at people and tell the ranger the next team wants a history lesson and all the other obnoxious stuff they did.

Oh, another random “hee” moment, when the Linz boys dubbed Meg in the plane “Air Biscuit.” Totally juvenile and a return to the fart humor, but I found it utterly hilarious.