The Amazing Race 11/16 "’m Like an Angry Cow"

AKA “Foot race to the Fast Forward box.”

Is this going to be another NEL, or the leg when Andrew and Dan finally run out of luck? As noted last week, their average ranking is worse than this leg can support – I just computed their average place through 7 legs at 6.29, and there are only 5 teams left. So the good news for them is, they’re going to beat their average.

Or to put matters another way, their best relative leg was the first one, where they beat the last place team by four spots. Every other leg since then, they have either been second- or third-to-last.

There’s always the chance that Ken & Tina will self-destruct at long last. I favor this outcome, because The Amazing Editors showed in the teaser for tonight’s episode that Andrew and Dan fall apart. And under TAR Watching Rule #2, we know that whenever the editors show drama, that ain’t it.

Watch out for the usual football delays.

The show’s running about 25 minutes behind schedule on the east coast, after a rather cool ending to the Steelers-Chargers game. I like the Kazakhstan ads CBS was running during the game and apparently tonight’s episode involves chickens and falcons!

Talk to you after the race!

(I’m still chuckling about “Who’s your girl?” “You are! No! I am!”)

Thanks for the heads up on the time delay. I think the description on my cable guide said something like “Teams have to navigate their way through Kazakhstan while dealing with hundreds of chickens.” Should be entertaining.

Anyone placing bets on the number of Borat jokes to be heard?

Ruh-roh. Just noticed ScubaBen already started a thread, but it’s on the second page. Maybe mods will merge?

Shucks! I only checked the first page before starting this one. I’ve reported your post and asked a mod to merge the threads.

bump so the threads can be merged, preferably in the one with the correctly spelt episode title.

I’m surprised I’m saying this – but I’m rooting for Terrence and Sarah.

Does this season have the best tasks ever?

It’s almost as good as the Detour a few seasons back of driving a tank. So I think this season has the best overall set of tasks.

I want the brother and sister(Nick and Starr) or the Mom and Son team to win.

I’m so glad they are in the lead.

Andrew and Dan have a certain kind of friendship that I see a lot. Andrew is moderately competent but a bit overweight and kind of goofy-looking. Dan is in moderately better shape and a bit better-looking, but heinously incompetent at pretty much everything. For some reason, this makes Dan the alpha of the pair. Anything Andrew does right, credit is taken by Dan. Anything Dan fucks up, he makes Andrew take the blame. And Andrew (until tonight) doesn’t have the confidence to confront Dan about it.

It’s a really frustrating relationship to watch happen, because you just want to start holding signs that say “Free Andrew!” or something.

And the threads hit their own Intersection.

Dandrew has to be he most incompetant team to ever make the final 4 of TAR. (Unless Myrna and Shmyrna made it that far in the All-Star version, in which case I withdraw this statement.)

PS Learn how to read the fricking clue!!!

READ the CLUE. when in doubt REREAD the CLUE.

Dallas was the star of tonight’s show during the detour. MOOO MOOOO as they MOOOVED through the streets.

I guess Flo doesn’t count as a team. :slight_smile:

I couldn’t believe that Dan insulted the Kazakhstani people in front of his Kazakhstani driver. He’s luck the driver didn’t just go in circles for a few hours after that.

Just Some Guy, which one was Flo? And how bad was she?

Damn, all the colors washed out. Did anyone else want them to travel the rest of the world looking like a bag of Skittles?

You’re a vegetarian. The Fast Forward is taking you to a restaurant. Do you see a potential problem here?

There should be a show about the making of The Amazing Race. I want to see the conversation at the Kazakh chicken farm that starts with “we want Americans to come here, but on jumpsuits, run around amongst the chickens looking for plastic eggs, then they’ll all get in your big crane trucks and leave. And we want to put it on television.”

When there are special vehicles set aside just for the racers, like big crane trucks, would it be asking too much that the big crane truck drivers have some clue where to drive their big crane trucks to?

You mean you can actually tell them apart?

Did anyone catch Tina saying “we were in too much of a hurry to get out of this costume.” I was thinking “what you mean ‘we’, crazy woman?”

When it’s down to the last two teams, and The Amazing Editors are splicing together the footage of them hunting around for the Pit Stop, has the result ever actually been a surprise?

Winner of season three. I’m not exaggerating when I say she is in the running for the worst reality show contestant every. She was quite literally dragged around the world by her partner who had to manage every single task since she could not do anything. Start here and be terrified.

(BTW, I’m not using literally like Joe Biden; her partner had to grab her and pull her along to make her finish the legs.)

Yeah, you could just see the gross food fast-forward coming a mile away. I kept thinking, “have you seen this show before?” If you’re not prepared to eat just about anything, stay away from a fast forward that directs you to go to a restaurant.

About the last two teams and editing, not that I can recall. Though they alternate back and forth between the last two teams racing to the pit stop, as best as I can recall, they will start first with the team that is second from last, then go to the one that will finish last, and intercut back and forth.

Oh yeah, and Dallas was great. I’m cheering for Mom and Son to win this. I actually think that would be the first time it had happened. I think they might be the first parent/child team to make it this far.

Last season, Ronald and Christina finished in 2nd place.