The Amazing Race 11/20/15

What was up with Phil’s blouse tonight?

Pretty happy with the outcome. Justin and Diana have grown on me. They’re an undeniably strong team.

Don’t really want to say much more until the West coast catches up.

I think I had that same blouse circa 1993-ish and it’s probably still sitting in my ironing basket.

I haven’t read all of the other TAR threads, so don’t mean to be redundant, but MAN I hate that Logan person. She’s so bossy and mean to Chris. Between “you cut yourself already, didn’t you” and “wash my name out of your mouth” or whatever that was, she again showed that she isn’t nice at all.

Maybe they have some connection I can’t see, but I just don’t see any reason for him (or anyone) to like her or want to live with her. Just yuck.

My wife asked, “Phil has tits?”

I just saw the end and said the same thing! I’ve never seen such a skinny guy with man boobs! :eek:

That was a brutal speed bump. Usually they’re 10-15 minutes. That was significantly more time consuming than they usually seem to be.

That speed bump wasn’t anything like sitting in a sauna for 5 minutes. Tho since it was TeamTexas, I don’t mind it. Glad to see them gone.

Logan is a solid platinum bitch. But then, I think Chris is gay, so I doubt that they’re a real couple.

I agree! It seemed disproportionately long. Normally it’s a small task both can work on.

Phil’s blouse was definitely gaping a little. I think it shrunk in the wash. But the weirdest part for me was that random greeter giving shaves in the park across from the Taj Mahal. I was hoping someone would comment on why he was there. Is he always there? Do Indian men like to gaze at the Taj while visiting the barber, in a fruit tree grove?

That was the most brutal speed bump I’ve ever seen.

I rather like this Speedi Bump innovation. Rather than have a team do a different bullshit task (like sit on a block of ice for 5 minutes), just have both members do a Road Block.

The Pit Stop recalls another Season One destination, the Taj Mahal. The clue was much more straightforward this time. In Season One the clue was so cryptic that one team actually had a meltdown trying to find the place.

My wife also commented on Phil’s man-boobs.

I must have spent half the race thinking Logan was the guy and Chris was the woman. :smack: Early on in the race I thought he was the one being a complete ass in the relationship but jeez, she has gotten way worse the last few weeks.

I still can’t stand Justin but I have to admire the way Green Team is racing. Even with a bunching point they still manage to get out in front and stay there. They have come a long way from the first leg where they screwed up going for the Fast Forward and almost got eliminated.

The guy giving shaves at the Pit Stop was definitely strange, but what was even stranger to me was that I swear it was the same guy getting shaved every time.

I’m not sure I liked the Speed Bump being that both teammates had to complete the Road Block. While I understand the need for a penalty for coming in last on a NEL, I think the team should at least have a chance to stay in it. I think that Speed Bump pretty much doomed them from the get-go.

I don’t how TPTB expected a team to overcome that Speed Bump.

Makes me think that they didn’t want to eliminate the Texas Team last week but didn’t have a speed bump ready to go so they double the Roadblock task.

They should have halved the Laundry for the Speed bump to make a little more equitable.

I am going to be disappointed if the Green Team gets to the Final Leg. I want to see a major meltdown.

Man, I guess TAR will never recover from the “making the team Sit on a block of ice” speedbump.

That was season 17, in the fall of 2010. Most of the Speed Bumps have been real tasks since then. But since there was that one time in Scandinavia where they sat on a block of ice, that is TAR SoP for Speed Bumps.

Here is a list of speed bumps.

I still don’t like him either. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t make you a good person. He’s a pompous know-it-all ass and I’m still hoping for a big screw up that he should have seen coming to take him out.

It was a harsh speed bump.

Every team had to use the bicycle cart to haul the laundry down to the river, The speed bump could have been that Texas had to assemble their bicycle cart before they could start the roadblock. I think that would be more in line with previous speed bumps.

With only a single U-turn, I think the idea was to make the speed bump time competitive with doing both legs of the Detour. Which, if somebody else had been U-turned, it might have been a race and possible to recover from the double road block.

This is the first time in along time the U Turn was not a double U turn right? Single U Turn’s a re stupid. Almost all the time the U Turned team will just lose. At least a double U Turn keeps two teams racing.

Personally I loved this idea as a speed bump. In fact I think maybe it should become the defacto rule i.e. Speed bumps should be by definition “Both team members do the Roadblock.” I think that would make them manageable and won’t force the creators to comb up with a task for one team.

Yes! I thought the same thing, that it was just one guy getting “shaved” for hours and hours. So very Fellini.

I wonder if there was some kind of mix up and the original greeter ran off with Phil’s luggage and the equipment for the speed bump, so they just bought fill the first clean shirt they could find and then grabbed some rando guy to fill in. has a hilarious (IMO) account of Phil and The Blouse from this episode.

I’m surprised at how little there is on commentary about the ugliness that the cheerleaders displayed this episode. I suppose I could accept the lies as ‘part of the game’ but the indignation they displayed regarding other racers’ scheming and ‘telling the truth’ was bizarre. Their response to seeing that the anchors u-turned the boys was especially hypocritical.

Ugly on the inside indeed.

Was it Logan who said, “I’m a Catholic and he’s a Christian”?