The Apprentice -- 2/24

Okay, tonight the teams do a graffiti-style mural for some product or other. What this has to do with business savvy will, no doubt, become crystal clear in the first five minutes of the show. Or not. Probably not.

At this point, Net Worth has a two-person advantage over Magna – will this be the week they shuffle teams? Or will they wait until Magna once again succeeds in totally alienating all of us with college (and advanced) degrees, going down in flames and leaving us wanting to distance ourselves from the team we “should” be rooting for?

See y’all back here nineish…

I’ve gotta wonder what the correlation is between business acumen and tagging skillz, so I have some pre-doubt about the usefulness of this task in identifying potential apprentices. I will say, though, that I found the “Trump’s rollin’ up! Trump’s rollin’ up!” promos vastly amusing; particularly the shot of the Hair mushing his head out the half-open window of his limo, like he’s about to do a drive-by or something.

From TV Guide:

In the TV promo, we hear someone say “Erin’s dressed up like a Hooter’s girl”.
Ya gotta wonder what Carolyn is going to think about that.

You know, last year around this time, I could match a bunch of candidate’s faces to their names…they had traits that made them stick out. This year, not so much. The only people I can recognize are Chris, who’s not a homosexual, Bren, who’s southern and gets turned on by cucumbers, and Michael, who’s an asshole. These people really aren’t sticking out in my mind, and the ones who do, aren’t in a good way.

Wow. I recognize Erin, Tara, Craig, Tana, and John.

I can’t tell Audrey/Angie/Kendra apart. I’m hoping they all get fired so I won’t have to.

I just wish there were still some black people on the show.

Anywho, I assume they won’t shuffle yet. That would sort of ruin the whole college stiffs vs. wacky high schooler dynamic they have going on.

Prediction time: One of the people that has had little time tonight will be fired. I’ll stick with either Chris or Kendra. Of course, we do know enough about Chris to know he is both crazy and NOT A HOMOSEXUAL!

Other than Craig and Tara? :dubious: Or are you calling them Oreos?

Craig and Tara don’t count? :slight_smile: We’ve seen nothing of Craig, but Tara stepped up once, with that phone call. Was that last week – getting the casting agent? Or the week Kristen was fired. I can’t remember.

I believe Mully is commenting on the fact that Bill Rancic has gotten more air time on this season than Craig and Tara put together.

Nah, they are invisible people. And, your inability to remember the 10 seconds of screen time prominently featuring Tara kinda fits in with that. Still I think at least one of them is final 4. Heck, at this point in season 2 I don’t think any of had a clue who Sandy was. Of course, they waited too long to showcase her meaning we still didn’t care when they tried to turn her into the underdog to root for. Maybe they learned some editing lessons.

People who quietly do an OK job just don’t get much screen time, particularly when they are not project manager.
When creating an entertainment show, the more goofy characters are going to be given more air time. No big deal.

The negative is that the quetly competent folks will do well enough to stick around while the morons gettings air time are fired. By not showing them now, they give the viewer no reason to care so by the end of the season people are either abandoning the show or watching but not caring.

Show me competence each week as opposed to some dip cussing out a teammate for no good reason. As it stands now we get about 90% incompetent boobery, 10% impressive effort (most of which occurs in scenes where a person is dealing with the boobery). Make that a bit more equitable and I think we would be watching a better show. Or at least one closer to the first season.

I disagree. Sandy had negative points against her–She was part of the harpy flock of doom, and she should have been fired when Jen C was due to the poor decoration of the restaurant. At least, it was a big enough mistake for boardroom. People actively didn’t like her, and just liked Kelly and Jennifer even less.

Tara and Craig have no such marks against their record.

“Play with playstation.” Hee.


Well, Trump’s lesson for the night is “Listen to what people have to say”, and Magna is the team asking young black men what young black men want.


Okay, you’ve got to love a project with so many ways to veer off into so many offensive directions…

Wow. I much prefer Tara’s mural. But I thought both Alex and Tara were great PMs. I have fallen in love with Tara, actually. And hi, Alex!

I predict…Audrey gets toasted.

Excellent reward. Little Bren and those tall skinny models cracked me up. But best of all was that a real haridresser did something about Erin’s bangs! Perhaps she’ll learn from this.

Magna did a better job selling it as a game. The cars popping out of the wall is kind of cool…I guess…but it doesn’t really tell us anything about the game.

Kind of ironic that Tara’s concept is the one that got dissed for “stereotyping” Harlem.

I thought Tara did a pretty good job managing the team, though, and she handled Audrey’s little snit-fit well.

I no longer like Tara. :frowning: