The Artful Dodger on Disney/Hulu

I don’t know if anyone else has watched this, but I wanna throw in a recommendation: we just finished it, and it’s tremendous fun.

The premise shows up in the first fifteen minutes: the titular character (Jack Dawkins) is in 19th-century Australia, acting as a colonial surgeon. His tricky fingers are applied to honest work, even as he’s pursued by a thuggish card sharp. And then a new set of convicts show up, including an old acquaintance.

We’re not talking Deadwood, or even The Great, here, in terms of high art or in terms of darkness. It is, after all, a Disney venture. But for a Disney venture, it’s really, really good. The script is fizzy, all the main actors are excellent at their roles, the chemistry between the two leads smolders, and the heist hijinks are fun.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster (the kid from Love, Actually) is the Artful Dodger. He looks like he’s aged about three years since that role, although he’s actually 34–this is a guy whose cheeks will be babyfattish into his eighties, I imagine. Throughout the show’s run, I kept imagining if he’d been cast as Paul Atreides instead of Timothy Chalomet: while both actors look far younger than their actual years, Thomas conveys his internal struggles far more effectively than Chalomet (IMO). What ruined Dune for me would’ve been entirely fixed by this one casting change.

And David Thewlis as Fagin–oh my Lord, that is some perfect casting. He chewed every bit of scenery in every scene he was in, and I was there for it. So, so good!

Has anyone else given it a shot?

I hadn’t been aware of it, but just added it to my list; I’ll likely check it out this weekend. :slight_smile: Thanks!

I saw that a few months ago. It was fun enough, though I don’t know if there’s going to be a second season.

Yes. Good series. Very well cast. Despite being on Disney, definitely not for young kids. Hope they do another season.

Ah, I was going to ask how it might play with a 12 year old and 15 year old. FWIW I’m not particularly concerned about language, but scares, sex and gore would be an issue

I watched it with my 11-year-old and 15-year-old. The older kid is super into horror movies. There is gore by the bucketful, but almost all in the context of surgery. If that is going to squick people out, give it a pass.

There is a very little nudity, I think some guy’s bare butt, and while there are plenty of references to sex, the most explicit sex scene all happens under the covers, and lasts about 10 seconds.

There’s definitely some gory surgical scenes.

Thanks both, sounds like it might be worth a try