Galavant (TV miniseries)

ABC is running this Sunday nights. It’s certainly a goofy concept: Spamalot as miniseries. And, yes, it’s a musical, with music by Alan Mencken.

The songs are a hoot: the title song is great and you can’t not like a love song called “Maybe You’re Not the Worst Thing Ever.”

I don’t watch much TV these days, and had not heard of this, but was accidentally at a friend’s last night who had us sit down and watch it. So much fun!!!

It’s very funny and tongue-in-cheek without being cheesy/campy. And, the actors are all good actors, which is nice.

It’s just fun. Silly, goofy, (a bit risque in a few lines for the 8 o’clock “family” hour) musical fun. I laughed my ass off at the joust.
I’ll tune in next week.

I laughed the whole way through, but I straight up lost it at that joust. I’m actually cackling helplessly just remembering the scene right now. Definitely on board.

It was fun enough, but I found the commercials for other ABC series that were sung in a similar manner tiresome.

OMG yes. I don’t watch much broadcast TV, but I feel like this is . . . typical? Stupid promotional tie-in with whatever is being broadcast. Which is a bit ridiculous, since I’m already watching the show. And these are just awful lyrics set to the music that don’t even scan properly. Ugh.

After the first set of commercials, we paused the TV for 10 or so minutes so we could just skip the rest of them. God bless the 21st century!

And yes, the joust. When he showed up on his horse saying, “I can’t move, I trained too hard and can’t move,” I knew it was going to be an awesome moment.

Also, as a musical theater person, and someone who hears this stuff all the time, it was funny to hear Alan Menken totally recycle his Act 1 Finale from Beauty and the Beast: If I Can’t Love Her as the main Galavant theme.

Oddly I had just said to my SO- “Training like that in one day wont work, you’ll just be tired and stiff the next day!”:smiley:

I did hate the singing promos; cute the first time, annoying after that.

I was reminded of the recent version of Peter Pan, though this had better actors and the ability to cut away to keep things interesting.

I thought it was fantastic. The songs were good and hilarious! And they had a little bit of skewering of the medieval fantasy genre as well as just silly humor dealing with more modern stuff. And Timothy Omundson as King Richard was absolutely a riot!

I thought it was a hoot. Great to see Timothy Omundson again.

Good thing this is a minseries, though. It reminds me of two older series that I loved but that never had a chance of finding a long-term audience: When Things Were Rotten, and Jack Of All Trades. Not that those were musicals, but were still period spoofs and quite funny.

I thought it was terrible. Other people really thought it was funny??

Will last night be rebroadcast? I was unable to watch it.

No, we’re all engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to confuse you.

You can watch it now on ABC’s website if you have a TV provider that’s on their list. If not, you can watch episodes one week after they air without signing in.

I enjoyed it quite a bit, and as others have said the joust was hilarious.

Edit: Oops, that’s a link to episode 2. Here’s a link to episode 1.

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His squire is Magnitude! Pop-POP!

like many things, this gets better with repeat viewings - catching some of the words is difficult first watch.

Truth be told - its growing on me just like mold!

Sure, a couple jokes were recycled, like the mold joke from the 3 Stooges (who probably stole it) and the beard joke from Doctor Who (also probably stolen), but they were fun.

Count me in on the terrible side. I’ll probably stick it out to see if Weird Al can save it for me at all. I generally like cheesy stupid stuff, but this was just bad on almost every level.

Why, on a network created show intended for network prime-time, are we beeping out words?