We, the Average Joe Posters of the SDMB, are coming out of the cracks in the walls of cyberspace for our brief, shining moment in the sun.
We are not the popular posters who everyone recognizes and looks forward to reading about . . .
We are not to be found on the discussion list of Doper meetings . . .
We are nowhere to be seen on lists of favorite posters.
Our threads receive lukewarm responses, often vanishing from sight after a few short posts. Other threads we post in drop like a lead balloon to the basement of MPSIMS.
We are not quite good enough to answer questions in GQ, nor are we good debators who thrive on the back and forth of GD.
We can’t flame our way out of a paper bag.
But we are here. Yes, we are here, and we know who we are. We are the Average Joe Posters of the SDMB. We are the flour and eggs that may not be as tasty as the sugar and chocolate chips, but without us the cookie would not be complete.
Those of you who know what I’m talking about, stand up and be heard! (Well, At least until this thread crashes to the cellar with the rest of our contributions.)
I am proud to be an Average Joe Poster. Are you?
– Sylence
As a fellow Average Joe Poster, I would like to give a hearty salute to Sylence, my friend and fellow milquetoast flamer and ambivalnet debater.
I almost made it through his whole post, but midway through I had to think about yummy yummy cookies. Chocolate chipp… mmmmmm.
But, I kept going, and posted, because I knew it was for a fellow average Joe Poster.
Our posts per day are low. But, we know all of the famous posters like they were movie stars.
Wait. We also add lots of stuff to MPSIMS, cuz thats easy to add to.
Oh, and by the way. All you jokesters thinking of saying “sylence who” or “pricciar what?” or “Did someone say something?” We heard that joke. Wait. no we didn’t go ahead and say it. I forget how it goes.
(Another sign of this Average Joe Poster, I can never remember the punchline.)
I am proud to be an Average Joe Poster. But, sylence; about this uniform. I know we are supposed to try to stand out. But, these sequins just don’t go with my eyes.
Hmmm quandry here. I am Joe, but I’m not sure I want to be associated with the lower class Ok ok count me in. Question though, if we break say a thousand or so in a reasonable amount of time do we get to hang with the cool posters?
–Stares at the math as science questions in GQ with the same insight and comprehension that the RCA dog shows while looking at the phonograph
–Attempts to enter deep philosophical/theological discussions on GD end up with becoming utterly clueless on every level of debate, point, and counterpoint. Feeling slightly guilty of semi-comatose state achieved by 4 years of Catholic high school and 4 more wasted years of college. Only knowledge retained is what it takes to keep a Frisbee aloft.
–Don’t attack trolls or other members of the board in BBQ Pit since the largest weapon in my intellectual inventory consists of the snappy comeback, “You suck!”
–Consider it a vast literary accomplishment when I can sucessfully answer the deeply profound queries in IMHO such as “What kind of motor oil do you use?” or “Favorite Foot, Right or Left?”
Yes, I stand proudly with my fellow Average Joe Posters, until someone like ChiefScott or Ayesha starts flaming us.
Then it’s, like, I don’t know you guys, and I was just minding my own business over here…
stands up to be recognized… waves at her fellow Average Joe and Jane Posters Hey all! Whens the party? Shall we have a kitchen party and I can play my violin? I’ve been taking lessons! Really!
You got sequins? Must be pretty special… All I got was a grass hula skirt and 2 seashells. How many posts do I have to have to get sequins? Am I not average enough for them?
What the hell? Why is everyone so glum? We are the Average Joe Posters, damn it! We’re the ones who keep this puppy afloat. How long to you think those top billing posters would stick around without us, the extras and the walk-ons, to appreciate them and stand bravely as the butts of their jokes? We are the beautiful midnight sky against which the stars shine so brightly!
Stand proudly, my brothers and sisters!
No, wait! Don’t. Rather, stand in the corner shuffling your feet and playing with the buttons of your shirt – because that’s what we do like nobody else ever could!
Oh, dear. I think I might cry.
I am here today to tell the world that I’m cool with it. I will kill your threads with a laugh. I will start unread threads at will. I will never wait for a reply again, because I am an AJP.
In essence, respond, or don’t. It’s no skin off my back
Somebody upset GaWd, get ready for the raining frogs, locusts, and brimstone! I’m sure glad it wasn’t me that did it, cuz I know I’m going to heaven and . . . what? That’s not the real one? That lying bastard!!!
BTW, who is considered an above-average poster? Can anyone with low self-esteem post here (cuz then I qualify) or is my post count too high in comparison with my registration date? I haven’t seen my name on any lists of favorite posters, and I only made #6 on purplebear’s laminated list when the list was supposed to only have 5 names, so technically I didn’t even make that list.