… is the fact that once you are corrected by those more intelligent you can then just file that knowledge away and present it at its proper time claiming it as something you always knew! I refer you to my post in GQ about signing the 1st page of a book you are giving as a present!
From now on, I will always know that ISBN numbers only came into being in 1969, and therefore, no matter what the copyright, you can’t give a book bearing that copyright as an “antique”.
Thanks SDMB! for saving me some embarrassment!
Now ain’t y’all glad you don’t have to work with me?
I’ve had this thing that I said for the longest time … when some one got something right, or guessed what I was trying to say or whatever, I’d say, “Bull’s ear, Cat-nip!”
I picked that up from my uncle, who always said it in a kind of Yosemite Sam voice, so I assumed it was from Looney Tunes. As I explained this in this Pit thread, it was pointed out to me by DAVEW0071 that it actually comes from a Miller Lite ad starring Norm Crosby and Catfish Hunter.
I can’t wait to whip that out the next time someone asks me what the it means. I’ll look like a regualar font of knowledge.
I can’t help but worry that for every bit of useless trivia I pick up here (Film format incompatibility contributed to sight gags in a Pee Wee Herman movie! Reagan never had ketchup declared a vegetable in school lunch programs! Elvis had chalky white impacted fecal matter in his colon when he died!)…I wonder what potentially important fact or bit of knowledge gets pushed out of my skull.
One of these days I’m gonna roll up to a busy intersection and say “I wonder what that red light means? Hmmmm…” and never hit the brakes until the garbage truck is in my lap and I’m eating my airbag.
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