The Big Bang Theory, October 3, 2013 -- "The Scavenger Vortex"

I’m starting this thread in anticipation of tonight’s episode.

lots of room for funny.

They definitely need to put Amy & Howard together more often.

Interesting way of splitting up the usual pairings. Didn’t care for lame ending to the scavenger hunt, but found it totally in character for Raj to do it that way. Loved Amy with Howard. Also liked Penny solving some of the clues, but that purple shirt really didn’t work for her.

Think they overdid the Bernadette in bitch mode thing, though.

“Sweet Caroline…”

Gods, I hate that song.

it had to be.

Really? I thought you could get a whole spinoff sitcom out of crazy Bernadette. She was hilarious.

Wait’ll the Dodgers come to Fenway in a few weeks…

As much as I liked Howard and Amy, I couldn’t get over the game. I always thought a scavenger hunt was a group set out to find unusual objects: maybe an out of state road map, fuzzy dice, a cigarette holder, things like that. They weren’t scavenging anything- just solving riddles.

Oh yeah, they were great together!

I liked crazy scary Bernadette, too.

Calling it a scavenger hunt is incorrect (it’s correctly known as a puzzlehunt), but Howard wasn’t bullshitting about the MIT one being famous:

At least this episode settled some of the questions we had as to what universities everybody attended - Princeton came in for some mocking. Which tells us that Sheldon must have attended someplace like Berlin Polytechnic (Captain Tuttle’s old school!), because a doctorate from UT wouldn’t give him mocking rights. He also didn’t make fun of Harvard (Amy’s school), so we can likely rule out there and Yale for him.

He probably went to CalTech.

That’s my guess as well - not many schools mock MIT other than similar Technical schools.

Why does that rule out Harvard? It would make perfect sense for a Harvard grad to mock Princeton while of course not mocking Harvard.

Amy knows where Sheldon went to school. If it had been Harvard, she would have said “we” or asked if Sheldon did that when he was there.

Caltech is definitely an option for Sheldon.

Besides, would he have had a chance at getting hired at a school that didn’t already know him? :wink:

In one episode he mentions being at a German university. He got an enema there, maybe a diploma too.

He was a visiting professor. I suppose he could have gotten his second doctorate at the same time.

On the other hand, would he have had a chance at getting hired at a school that DID know him?

MIT & Harvard absolutely mock each other. Being a 20 minute walk away helps though.