the blizzard of 2003

It just started snowing here a few hours ago. We’ve got a blizzard warning and a coastal flood warning. In '96 we had 20 inches here, they are predicting only 15 inches this time around.
That’s good, right?

If I’m lucky, my extended 4 day holiday weekend will be a bit longer :slight_smile:

We have absurd amounts of snow here in Baltimore. I mean crazy.

As a former Philly resident (who will hopefully be moving back home this summer), I wish I were there to be seeing this right now.

On the other hand, as a current Michigan resident, I have to laugh at the fact that everything shuts down for a mere 2 feet of snow. :smiley:

, Balto. schools don’t hesitate to cancel school at 2 inches of snow. I’m dead serious. A teacher of mine from Michigan makes fun of us because we’re so terrible at snow treatment. Imagine how us Baltimorons react with over two feet!

Oh, my driveway is yet to be plowed. It is seriously impossible to do it by hand, and the plows haven’t come yet. I think this is a lot worse than ‘96, though I was a youngin’ then, it just seems a lot worse than I remember.

Snow Day for Ohio State University! Woooooo! I knew there was a reason I didn’t do my homework.

Aye, young Grasshopper. Yay for snow days! 'Cept I already did my homework. And now I’m TERRIBLY TERRIBLY BORED.

I’m at college outside of Philly…I just took a little walk to assess the situation, and I’ll say this is definitely the worst storm since 1996. My car (in a municipal lot) is completely buried under a drift. I just talked to my brother at home in Morristown NJ, and he says they only have 5" there so far. I told him that’s just the beginning :slight_smile:

If nothing else, this will be great for my business/hobby (I sell used hubcaps on eBay). After the snow melted in 1996, I found 49 hubcaps in one place on Route 24 in Madison NJ. This kind of weather really tears up the roads.

-Andrew L

Two whole feet forecast for Northern Virginia by Monday. And most years we hardly even get a sprinkling of snow. It’s close to breaking the all-time record for the DC area, 28 inches.

I had felt happy to be in the tropics during the infamous '96 blizzard that shut down the whole area. Now this tops it easily.

Some asshole stole my snow shovel today, and it’s very doubtful I’ll be able to buy another one before all this melts. Crap!

How come you guys get all the snow? It’s been cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey here in Toronto, but do you think we get more than a dusting? No! We’ve been looking at dead grass, frozen soil and old ice for two months, and there’s just enough new snow now and then to hide the ice on the paths and make traps for unwary pedestrians.

Sheesh. Some people have all the fun… :slight_smile:

I used to live in Gaithersburg, Md., so I know full well how bad this storm is for you guys. We would be let out of school when about three snowflakes came down.

I spent eighteen years in Buffalo, NY, so I can’t help but think you are all rookies! Sorry! We never even owned a snowblower, and our driveway was sorta long. Wow, I don’t miss that frozen white crap at ALL!

Stay safe, everyone.

You guys do get all the fun!
Here in Richmond, we were expecting at least ten inches of snow, and instead we got a few inches of sleet. Still fun to sled and drive in, but not as entertaining as a foot of snow would be.
Everyone still acts like it is the end of the world, though, which amuses me…

I am absolutely setting my pants with joy over this snow. I LOVE IT!!!

frolick frolick frolick

Now predicted for up to 32" in my area. My wife’s car is up to the windows in (non-drifted) snow already. I think we’re going to beat the predictions…

Who ever was unimpressed about the snow in NYC should be impressed now: a garbage truck coverted into a snow plow just got stuck in a drift near my house. I already shoveled snow twice. Yes, I am a night owl.

Here in the Baltimore-Washington Corridor of Maryland, it was pretty shitty and awful. I woke up around 1pm and was so depressed upon looking out the window that I just went right back to bed and slept til 2.

I dug my car out around 4 pm and went puttering around a bit, stopping by the grocery store and picking up cigarettes. No luck on beer; all the liquor stores were closed. Many snowplows were running, and the local Giant Food actually had a small bulldozer out there plowing the parking lot.

Towards the end of my adventure, the roads suddenly went from awful to nearly impossible, and my wipers started icing over. I got home not a minute too soon and proceeded to drink many cups of coffee while reading a biography of William S. Burroughs.

In short, f–k this snow.

According to the weatherman, we’re up to about 14 inches of snow here, and it’s still snowing heavily, just like it did all day yesterday. It’s supposed to keep snowing for another few hours. The snow in the parking lot is above the bumpers of some of the cars. I will need to buy milk today, but one reason I chose this apartment was I wanted there to be some sort of convenience store within walking distance. I think right now I’m glad I don’t have to go into work.

The city’s got every snowplow it has out there working on the roads, but they can’t salt them until after it stops snowing. Schools are closed all over the place. They’re saying if you don’t have to travel this morning, don’t and if you do, take it easy.

Stay warm people, and stay safe!

They’ve just added that the busses aren’t able to get through on some of the main roads, let alone the secondaries. They’re running as best they can.


I can’t tell if it’s still coming down, but we haven’t been out of the boat since midday Sunday. The snow in the cockpit is drifted up about 3’. It’s covering the portlights in the main cabin completely - during daylight hours, there’s a faint light coming thru.

I’ve had to reschedule my flight back to Jax so I won’t be leaving here until tomorrow morning. Thank goodness my boss is laid back. It’s been nice having the extra time with my sweetie, but we’re both going stir crazy. Imagine being confined to a 9X10X6’ high box. Fortunately, we’ve still got power and cable and internet access. And some food, tho who knows what we’ll have for breakfast. Canned peaches anyone??

What an adventure!

Well, I’ll be off to the hotel soon. But when I get back to work tonight, I expect a full snow total report from all the MADs. Come on folks! Get out those yardsticks!

McLean, Va seems to have gotten 13 to 14 inches. I’m at work without my snowstick, so I can’t say for sure. I’ll try to make a better estimate when I go out to the hotel.

**FairyChatMom **, I can think of all the ‘adventures’ I’d be having if I were stuck in a room with the hubby in this stuff. As it is, though we’re gonna be bundling up and going sledding with the young 'uns later. Which is still fun, but not as fun as staying in bed all day during a snow storm.