It is beyond surreal. Like “whoops, I took the brown acid” surreal.
I had forgotten that Bush could speak coherently.
Hmm… looks like a classic case of bait & switch to me.
If only our President had been listening to this guy.
Said video makes me think the idea of voting for the guy who disagree with the most is the smart choice, since when he gets into office he’ll do the opposite of what he promised to do.
This is why I wasn’t too upset when he was elected in 2000. I disagreed with him on ideological matters, but at least he seemed level-headed and rational.
Man, that sure changed.
I think this one has been posted on the boards previously as well.
I really wonder what kind of story is going to emerge years down the road on what happened to the guy.
Wow. It makes me wonder if it’s medical, maybe Bush has some kind of degenerative condition that is adversely affecting his cognitive abilities.
The question now, would you have made fun of your grandma if this happened to her? Well it seems that more than half of this country has been laughing at their grandma. Now how do you all feel?
Wow. He almost seems… eloquent.
Yeah. Cheney.
The problem has never been Bush so much as the whole damned crew he brought in along with him. Cheney’s only Veep because the Republicans learned in the 70s what happens when you put someone like him in the White House, and he is simply one element of the larger Neocon ‘movement’ (slippery policy wonks who know how to appeal to the disaffected rural voters who might otherwise vote Buchanan or stay home) that’s used Bush like a puppet.
Sometimes I wonder if he’s really been drinking the whole time.
To be fair, 9-11 changed many things.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING!
Why do you hate America?
While I don’t necessarily disagree, that doesn’t explain how an apparentely articulate man turned into a stammering buffoon tripping over words longer than two syllables.
I can’t remember who now, but one of the political comedians (Maher maybe) remarked back during the 2000 campaign, “You know, the presidency is a difficult job. I could drive some men … to drink.”
I’ve never once quit thinking that Bush fell off the wagon sometime around February or March of 2001.
That really is quite amazing.
What happened? I know it’s trite to suggest brain damage, drugs or drink, but the change is absolutely startling.
And the smug smile seems to be relatively recently too.
ETA: maybe the problem is that he stopped drinking.
I never forget a bush.
For trivia’s sake I’ll add that the tune playing in the background on that clip is “The World Turned Upside Down”, the tune said to have been played when Cornwallis (or rather his adjutant- he refused to go in person, claiming he was ill) surrendered to Washington at Yorktown.