These two dudes are just begging for a chat with Chris Hansen.
Does it have anything to do with this thread:
I’ll venture a guess that if a liberal commentator released a book with a similar cover, you’d find it a touching depiction of fatherly love and devotion. Am I right? Be honest.
It’s not creepy, exactly – it’s heartwarming to see a loving gay couple with a family portrayed on the cover. It’s only creepy because one of them is Glenn Beck.
Heh. That’s what I thought too. It looks like a wholesome picture of a gay couple with their child.
If it was just Beck and the kid, there wouldn’t be anything weird about it inherently (we know Beck is a loon, but that information is not in the picture itself). It’s the other guy standing behind them that makes the picture look odd. It’s not a natural kind of configuration unless the two guys are a couple.
He kind of looks like he’s preparing to unhinge his jaw in order to swallow the child whole.
Honestly? I’d tell them that they badly need to get someone new to design their book covers.
Or it is part of a supervised visitation agreement.
If a liberal commentator released a book with a similar cover, what would Glenn Beck’s response be?
Oh, and here’s an excerpt from the official Simon and Schuster description, written by Beck himself.
In the words of George Takei - “Oh My!”
It worked! He’s about as far removed from the truth as a person can be.
Are either of them a father, or is the honest truth that they found together a shared love of little boys? It’s confusing.
And so what if they did? You’re not seriously going to try and play the hypocrisy card here, are you? Or are you unaware that in general, one side of the spectrum has a wee issue with the idea of two men raising a child together while the other side does not?
I like the comment: The Pedophile’s Guide To Love And Pleasure, Volume II: Electric Fondaloo.
Actually, I’d find it exactly the same as I’d find this one: not particularly creepy, but decidedly odd and artificial-looking.
of course, a liberal commentator would never have a book cover like this, since, as everyone knows, the males routinely abandon their children at around seven months.
Glenn has 4 children-2 older girls with his first wife Claire, Mary (who has
Cerebral palsy) and Hannah. He has 2 little children with his second wife,
Tanya, Rafe, 6,(who may even be the boy on the cover) who is adopted,
and Cheyenne.
I don’t know about Keith.
This is another example of the sexualization of every fucking thing. We can’t have a picture of a man and a boy without people thinking it’s creepy? For the love of, well, love-- touching, laughing, holding, touching and tenderness is NOT intercourse!
And I am one of those lefty Glen haters talking here.
Heartwarming? Gay people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids…everyone knows that!
It looks like the guy in the foreground is holding the kid and saying “We’re a family,” while the guy in the back is saying “Damn, how do I tell him I found someone better.”