Perhaps some of you gentle people could shed some light on some relationship weirdness I’m having at the moment.
I’ve been single for a good while, and recently decided to try an online dating site. The last relationship I had was with a coworker and we met each other every day at work, so we kind of just slid into the relationship, without any of these “dating” theatrics. So I’m kind of confused.
I seemingly caught a lucky break within the first 24 hours of my attempt at online dating, when a few years younger lady with an interesting profile responded to me, and we set up a date.
On Saturday, we met at a local museum of modern art, as both of us are interested in the subject. We seemed to get along pretty well. We had a long and interesting conversation at the museum’s cafe, and then proceeded have fun looking at the exhibits. After touring the museum, we went on our separate ways, since we both had prior engagements to attend to. However, we agreed to call set up a movie date early next week. I genuinely liked her, and she seemed to feel the same.
On Sunday, I sent a text message to her, asking how her evening went, since she’d told me she was going to a friends housewarming party. I got no reply.
On Monday, I was going to go out with a friend, but I figured I’d ask the lady if she’d want to grab a cup of coffee after work instead. I called her at work(this is completely unremarkable where I live. People usually take personal calls at work without any issue). She answered the phone, but insisted that she’s working and can’t be disturbed. I didn’t get the impression that she was in a meeting or anything like that. I apologized for disturbing her at work, thinking she’d call me later to find out why I called. No call so far.
Wednesday, now. Earlier today I left her an answering machine message asking how she’s doing, and to call me back if she wants to talk. It’s 22.00 here. No call.
I’m a cynic by nature, so I’m inclined to believe that she just wants me to figure out by myself that nothing is going to happen, and just disappear quietly. On the other hand, she did genuinely seem to like me when we met, so I’m a bit puzzled by this. Have I taken things too fast or something?