The curse is broken!!

When last we spoke, the Sua dude revealed that he couldn’t get lucky in NYC to save his life, but every time he left town, there was, um, manna from heaven. Well, in a brief two-week period, all has changed. The prophet was honored in his home town.
OTOH, I went out of town last weekend and didn’t get lucky.

Is this a cause for celebration? I am uncertain. The NYC sex drought is over; however I plan to move soon. Arghh.

'Course, it could make the NYC Dopefest this weekend a LOT more fun. :smiley:


And, yet, SPOOFE is still a virgin…

(Man, how’s that for compliment-fishing?)

Awww, {{{{SPOOFE}}}}

Hey, easy there, big fella … Let go!!

Hmm. I dunno. Sounds more like a challenge to me …

Awww SPOOFE ::sniff::

Dr Laura would be so proud.

Is that a compliment?

No worries, SPOOFE, Sua said he was moving soon, you’re in there!

Whaaat? C’mon, that was a joke! Haha…he. Guys?

I confess, thinksnow … I didn’t get it.


Sua, you (feequently) comment that you hook-up outside of NYC, but never in the city proper. Now you’ve mentioned that you have conquered that domain as well. So now you’re moving. SPOOFE mentions immediately after that he needs sweet, sweet lovin’…odds are that SPOOFE is not in NYC so you should be able to fill his order, as it were.

[sub]And yes, I realize you are a male, too. Hence the joke.[/sub]

Well, I guess I’ll quit. Having to explain things I find funny invariably means that they are funny only to me. Such is life.

Of course, that first parenthetical should be “(frequently).”


Lucky bitch.

:: kicking dirt ::


Eep! Is that the perception? :o Well, I guess when you start a thread on the issue, I guess that qualifies as “frequently”.

Time to shut up now.


P.S. jarbabyj, it was an old GF just passing through town. I’m still available. :leeringsmiley:

Aw rats, and here I was all ready to offer to help you with your little problem…oh well.

Hey Geo, I’m not having sex whereever it is that you are. Care to help a Doper out?

It’s not Fair!

First, in this thread, SuaSponte goes on about how when he’s in Florida on “business,” he’s gettin’ some:

And then, in another thread, he mentions that when he was in Florida on business:

Sex with a couple of ladies and a million and a half dollars, all when he’s in Florida??!! and he gripes that he can’t get anything in New York??!!


[[[[grumble, grumble, grumble]]]

Come on to NYDope this weekend and show me what ya got, babe!

[sub]This could get interesting…[/sub]

NY this weekend, huh? Well, iot is short notice, but I’ve got nothing going on and I do have relatives…hmmm, I’ll get back to you on this. :slight_smile:

I am just popping my head in hear to say that I havent had sex in months. Any Vegas peoples need curses broken BESIDES me?

OK… Im done.

Carry on.