The Daily Feud: How Things Go Wrong by Windwalker [Game Over]

  1. Fall on ice
  2. Drunk driving
  3. Theft
  4. Dis their politics
  5. To get your girl(boy)friend
  6. Firearm discharge
  7. Drunk
  8. Profit motive
  9. Just before you save
  10. He went nuts
  1. ski accident
  2. drunk driver
  3. surplus force
  4. insult Dale Earnhardt at the Daytona 500
  5. romantic competition
  6. drunk driver
  7. too drunk
  8. money money money
  9. before answering re: Life, the Universe & Everything
  10. it’s inexplicable

Too many words!!! (Check the OP.) You too, Tarr

  1. Skiing
  2. Alcohol
  3. Misuse of comapny resources
  4. Send spam email
  5. Love
  6. Car accident
  7. back goes out
  8. Money
  9. Giving a presentation for work
  10. Never had a normal childhood
  1. falling (from a height)
  2. Alcohol
  3. not productive
  4. have a party shut down
  5. sleeps with my girlfriend
  6. Car accident
  7. Alcohol
  8. Money
  9. finishing a project
  10. insanity

Crap, mis-read #7.

  1. Skiing
  2. Ran a red light
  3. Stealing
  4. Wear strong smelly perfume
  5. Something to do with the opposite sex/romantic entanglement
  6. Hit with a car
  7. Drunk
  8. Reefer, and lots of it
  9. In the middle of a big project on deadline
  10. Aliens
  1. Not repaying a loan shark
  2. Drunk driver
  3. Playing the Feud at work
  4. Forwarding chain emails to everyone you know
  5. He wants to sleep with your girlfriend
  6. Drunk driving
  7. Too drunk to fuck
  8. Hollywood has no shame
  9. Before saving your work
  10. Insanity

4. Bonus points for adding a mere ‘Me too!’ type of response to it first
7. To quote the Dead Kennedys

:o :o Too wordy too! :o :o Sorry, Dolores!

This is how I arrived at my answer as well! :eek:

  1. Skiing
  2. Distracted drivers
  3. Tardiness
  4. Stop bathing
  5. Friend and S.O. get together
  6. Run them over while driving distracted
  7. whiskey
  8. Lack of Tim Burton
  9. Before you print your cover sheet for the TPS reports
  10. Janet beat him up too much

Didn’t notice the five-word limit.

Re-edited answers:

  1. Not repaying a loan shark
  2. Drunk driver
  3. Playing the Feud at work
  4. Forwarding chain emails
  5. Sleeps with your boy/girlfriend
  6. Drunk driving
  7. Too drunk to fuck
  8. Hollywood has no shame
  9. Before saving your work
  10. Insanity
  1. Skiing
  2. Inattention
  3. Lateness
  4. Computer virus
  5. Jealousy
  6. Gas oven - no flame
  7. Age
  8. World needed more suck
  9. Banking transfer
  10. Wanted to become Diana Ross
  1. Skiing
  2. Driving drunk
  3. Arguing with boss
  4. Email offensive stuff
  5. Women
  6. Hunting accident
  7. Too much alcohol
  8. Money
  9. When you’re trying to get Daily Fued response in before it hits 50
  10. Everyone in his family is crazy

ETA: Missed the five word limit.

  1. Submitting Feud response in time
  2. Everyone in his family’s crazy
  1. Skiing
  2. DWI
  3. Incompetence
  4. Hold up traffic
  5. Stealing boyfriend/girlfriend
  6. Car accident
  7. Nervousness
  8. Greed
  9. Completing a thesis
  10. Childhood trauma
  1. Skiing
  2. Drunk driving
  3. Wasting time on SDMB
  4. Drunk texting
  5. Hooking up with friend’s ex
  6. Gun accident
  7. Stress
  8. Temporary insanity
  9. Big paper due, not saved
  10. Child abuse

Missed the 5 word limit:

4: Being sloshed at a party
5: Having a hot slutty girlfriend
9: Before you press save

After a very quick count, N. Sane is #47.

I’m gonna go score this bitch. :wink:

Didn’t notice the limit. Make #9 “while whacking off to porn” and #10 “black man to white woman”.

  1. Fall out of a tree

  2. Operator error

  3. Absenteeism

  4. Play Bagpipes at three AM

  5. A woman

  6. Operator error (in a car)

  7. High blood pressure

  8. Greed & stupidity

  9. When I’m on the Dope

  10. He was kidnapped by Aliens
    All answers five words or fewer!

  11. Drunk driving, failing to see opposing traffic, trying to drive through trees, mistaking the gas for the brake…

  12. I was going to make a comment about playing a CD of bagpipes at full volume at three AM, but I figured marching down Park Ave at three AM would do it even better.

  13. Or a man, if that’s the interest that you and your former best friend share

  14. Well, it’s that or shooting someone with an empty gun

  15. Don’t ask why I know this

  16. Does Hollywood need any other reason for any bomb?

  17. I do not care to explain just when the kidnapping took place.

I hope I squeaked in.