The Doper Zoo

Sometimes I go by Tikkimouse.

Also Tikki is a shortening of my grandmother’s maiden name, Tikkenen, which is a form of tikka, a Finnish woodpecker.

Well, I am Paddington Bear, though I do think it a bit odd for a bear of such upstanding character to be put away in a cage. Perhaps a nice reclining chair and a jar of marmalade are in order? I could host a Q&A about Darkest Peru…

A few more:

cadolphin (CAlifornia DOLPHIN)
(i.e. Cardinalis cardinalis or Paracheirodon axelrodi)

Are we going to have an exhibit to showcase all the girl/grrl/gurl dopers and all the boy/boi/man/guy (etc) dopers?

And if we can get away with locking those banned dopers in cages, I get we could get a LOT of money showcasing Satan!

**Polycarp wrote:

Hey, we have Freyr to handle any problems Fenris gives us, though last I looked they had no problems with each other.**

Oh, there’s lots of things I could do with Fenris!! :smiley: Husky, bearded men are so much fun!

Thank you very much Desmostylus! It makes my day to know that someone understands my name :stuck_out_tongue:

This dolphin is always up for putting on a show for the visitors to the zoo :wink:

Hallooooo! I hope I count. I’m not so much about the shoes, really.


I was hoping I hadn’t been forgotten.

::Waves at Peyote::

I even used to be Dogsbody, so I was still part of the zoo before my name change.

Wouldn’t flinging feces be a more species-typical way to express your disappointment?

Yes, it is.
Great series of books.

Actually, no. Gives us gas something fierce. Just some dandelion greens.