The Dropping Out Thread

Early on in the process I sent him $50. He just wants to be sure I got my money’s worth.

Given the weirdness of the field this time around I suspect the next major winnowing of the field won’t happen until after New Hampshire.

Will Huckabee and Santorum drop out tomorrow, or wait until Wednesday? :smiley:

Will Ben Carson drop out, or just fall asleep? I think he’s toast.

If nobody’s paying any attention to them anyway, does it matter?

Apparently Iowa has a 15% floor at any given caucus site. Jeb! ain’t gonna get there at very many of them, and only a few are. Be interesting to see if any of the Token Relatively Sane guys get any delegates at all.

Trump might not do so well after all: his main cheerleader, Palin, just bombed in Iowa with a bizarre rant.

Steve King does deserve far more denunciation than he’s ever received, and it’s refreshing to hear it from a Republican.

Time and place, though, Sarah.

That’s just on the extremely convoluted Dem side.

Kinda reminds me of the time Trump himself ranted at Iowans about falling for Carson: “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”

That was on November 12, and his subsequent plunge in the polls was so immeasurable that nobody’s bothered to measure it.

If candidates drop out immediately after Iowa, can we call them “Iowa carcasses”?

I’d say feel free.

Bush should drop out. Nate Silver just mentioned that if Bush’s 2% turns into 2500 votes he’ll have spent about $25,000 per vote.

That seems…unsustainable.

And the first carcass is Martin O’Malley!

Who’s next?

It’s being reported that O’Malley will be our first Iowa carcass.

Hey, I made up the pun; I feel I should have been permitted to deploy it first!

Sorry about that.

Huckabee is out!

I think God is playing with him.

So, maybe the next Pub debate will have fewer than seven on the stage?

Not likely.

“And now, you die, and we all move up in rank!”

Come to think of it, the GOP does have a lot in common with the Mirrorverse Imperial Starfleet, doesn’t it?

Are we about done with the kiddie table yet?

Let’s see: 25 squared is 625. 3 zeroes + 2 zeroes is 5 zeroes… $25,000*2500 = $62,500,000.

Seriously, how do you spend 62M in Iowa??

And while I assume that’s mostly Right to Rise money, that would still be most of their vaunted $100M war chest.

But it’s hard to see Bush dropping out before Florida - or at least, before it becomes abundantly clear that he’ll get pantsed in his home state if he stays in that long.

ETA: Too bad for Bush that the days your people could just hand out money and say, “Here’s $200, go vote for my candidate” are long past, because that approach would certainly have been more cost-effective.