The Duggers are at it again! [Family preparing for 18th child]

Michelle Duggar is expecting her 18th child on New Years Day. Hasn’t the she set some king of record for American motherhood by now? Of course Discovery Health is producing another [del]sideshow[/del] reality show. At least the “jurisdiction swap” sounds interesting. So, what will they j-name this one. They’ve already gone through; Joshua, Jennifer, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jeremiah, Jedidiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, and Johannah.
My wag is Jenna for a girl and Jesus for a boy. :stuck_out_tongue:


How the hell do you provide for 18 kids?

Maybe for people born after 1930 or something, but farm families in the 1800’s often had 15-20 kids.

Jim Bob proudly claims that they’re debt free, which means they accept handouts, not loans.

The fact that they have a kid named Jedidiah in 2008 says all you need to know about this clan. What are they going to say when the kids she has at age 50 are riddled with birth defects- something positive no doubt. :rolleyes:

I pity that woman’s reproductive tract. There are hookers who have less miles on their vaginas.

Oooooooooooooh how exciting. Just when the Discovery Health specials were getting… um… repetitive…


Yeah, that whole idea of switching chores is going to make the new season must see TV…

I’ve always wondered what would happen if/when she is no longer capable of reproduction…would Jim Bob divorce and go in search of a new baby incubator?

This may the best comment I’ve read in months. Absolutly wonderful.

They provide for the family by making the older siblings “buddy up” with a younger one (and do everything mom and dad are supposed to do: dress, clean. help with homework etc) and feed them what looked like basically hot dogs and cheesy casseroles and similar. And they all wear pretty much the same clothes (matching). “But we’re all individuals! I like soccer and Jinger wants to be a nurse!” or whatever too: yeah, no, no you’re not, your parents have basically chosen your life for you, sorry.

Y’know my Grand mother had 15 children, lived in poverty, couldn’t read or write and they all grew up to be decent people.

They are, not surprisingly, part of a large church community that recycles clothes, hardly taking hand outs. Way to misrepresent things in your rush to judgement.

When, exactly did it become okay to judge people based entirely on the number of children they have? Really?

If you’ve ever seen them interviewed you’d know, the children seem happy, they are all healthy, and they aren’t on welfare. So what the hell business is it of yours?

They are getting press and tv show coverage for one simple and obvious reason, people’s thirst for judging others never wears thin. It sells papers and pushes up ratings. Yeah, that’d be you.

These people actually do things, charitable works etc, with these kids, they play ball and have fun together. Their lives revolve around their kids. What about all the people living in leafy suburbs with nuclear families who think as long as their kids are in the house while they’re sitting in front of the tv, that it’s quality family time? People who think watching their kid play soccer is enough. Seems to me there are way more of those around.

From every indication this is a healthy, happy, if large Christian family. It’s not like he’s forcing her to have babies, they like it. They’re good at it and seem to be raising decent citizens.

Grow up and stop judging people to be lesser than you just because you don’t admire their lifestyle.

If you can support your own brood on your salary, you can have as many kids as you want. When you live on the charity of others, others are paying for your existence, which is wrong, whether its welfare or church donations, which could be going to people with real need, not need created unnecessarily. Not to mention there is no way in hell for these kids to get the time with their parents that most would agree children need, not to mention its wrong to expect a ten year old to “raise” a one year old instead of being kid.

You have no idea if they are happy or not, just that they seem that way on a TV show that is put out with their approval. The real test will be when they get out on their own, away from the control of Jim Bob, and into the real world and see what happens- my guess is a couple of arrests for hustling blowjobs for crack, among other things.

Not to mention how stupid it is to have all these kids because “its what God wants”- why were condoms created if God didn’t want people to use them?

From what I understand, they own a couple of businesses (insurance companies? convenience stores? I forget) so I don’t think money is an issue.

Of course, it would go a lot farther with less kids. But, like elbows said, as long as they’re not on the taxpayer dime and the kids are not abused, what do I care?

Although I shudder to think what this is doing to Mrs. Duggar’s health. Yikes…I can’t imagine being perpetually pregnant is a good idea. And number 18 might just slip right out if she sneezes hard too close to her due date. :eek:

Yikes. That’s a whole lotta kids!

Then again, my grandmother came from a family of 10 and my grandfather came from a family of 12… not uncommon at all for French-Canadian families in the early 1900s.

As others have mentioned, in large families like these, the older kids typically help with parenting the younger sibs, which help build a strong bond within the family and means they’ll be better prepared for raising up their own kids down the road. Certainly seems to be the case with the Duggers… the kids look happy and healthy and well-adjusted, and the parents certainly seem to be doing a good job of raising them up to be law-abiding productive members of society.

So what’s so bad about that? Hell, if more of us grew up like the Duggers, there might be less bad parenting in this world. I’m more worried about the yuppie families who raise up one spoiled-rotten designer child using the finest helicopter parenting methods, to be honest.

As someone wiser than I once said: “Knock it off already…it’s a vagina, not a clown car”.

So when my neighbour gets hand me down clothes from her relatives she’s living off of others, not recycling? Talk about a double standard.

And this;

Is nothing more than your prejudice showing. Why wait for them to grow up when you can judge them now! I’m sure you’d like your kids to be pre judged in an equally harsh way, by some scornful busybody.

Ten year old siblings are routinely told to watch their younger siblings in smaller families, I don’t see a difference.

This is all about feeling superior to others. Get over yourself, they are not doing anything wrong.
Much more importantly, it’s none of your damn business how they choose to conduct their family. There are so many more important things to rail against, seriously.

Hey Ivylass, just as an aside, my grandmother who had 15 kids, all at home, no doctor in attendance, lived to be 104yrs old. So maybe don’t be so sure it’s necessarily bad for the health.

I’m in agreement with you though, how is this anyone’s business but theirs?

I have to agree with mahna mahna and elbows. These folks are supporting their family, and the kids appear to be happy and healthy. A lot happier and healthier than most of the kids you see hanging out at the mall. They aren’t asking you to have 18 kids. My Irish Catholic mother had 7 kids in 6 years (one set of twins died, though). She always planned on having kids right up to the last minute. It turns out the last minute was 29 when she had cancer. I never felt any less loved for being part of a large family. Quite the contrary. And if we didn’t have every material thing we wanted, we had all we needed and then some.


If it isn’t anyone else’s, they should knock it off with the television shows then. They show their lifestyle and family, and we get to decide what opinion to hold about that.