The End, Planet X and 2012?

Hmmm. What is the male to female ratio going to be on your space ship?

That’s what they want you to think.

I never know who “they” are.

Funny, I was tempted to reply to him and ask in insulted tones whether my reacquired quest status caused him to doubt the credibility of my otherwise clearly factually-accurate post above his.

And you can’t drive me away! I stand strong and resiliant against all comers! (Except space rodents. They give me the willies.)

:stuck_out_tongue: There’s no room for humans on the Escape Saucers! Only SubGeniuses!

I have obtained a secret video that ***they ***don’t want you to see. It shows how our civilization will be devastated by planet x.

What’s “this?” Terrorism? The craziness in the stock market? How would a non-existent rogue planet effect any of that?

Sorry, haven’t really kept up on my rogue planets of late. Thanks to you and xtisme for the info.

Jeez, rode out a hurricane last week, and now this.

I will bet $10,000 that all life on Earth will not be wiped out in 2012 with anyone who cares to take me up on it. Any takers? C’mon, put your money where your mouth is, people.

You know too much, human. Expect a visit from one of our attack-bunnies shortly.

Why would you want anyone’s willy, even from a creature as fabulous as a space rodent?

Cool! A cartoon version of Norman Spinrad’s THE IRON DREAM!

Given that the only time you’d have to pay out is if everybody’s already dead, I’m not seeing the appeal to the other side.

AAAAAAUGH! Run away!
(And Cervaise, that’s just wrong.)

Btw, we forestalled the 2012-Planet X disaster by invading Iraq. You see, in 2012, the cycles would have been right for Saddam Hussein to open the ancient Sumerian Stargate and usher the Annunaki in. His dream was that they would exalt him as their vice-regent as they established their reign. The interdimensional realm they inhabit is Nibiru, not a physical planet in this dimension. Fortunately, we deposed Saddam & are on our own search for the Stargate to hopefully destroy it.

But Barack HUSSEIN Obama wants to be President- and have the Stargate for his own nefarious purposes. Fortunately, uber-war-hero John McCain is here to stop him. His qualification- having converted a Reptilian Princess to the side of humanity & taken her as his wife!

This post inspired by numerous eps of Coast to Coast AM, but the Obama-McCain twist is my own! bows Thank you!

***It’s the end of the world as we know it.

And I feel fine.*** :slight_smile:
The 2012 year is referring to the long count in the Maya Calendar:

Of course not. The Large Hadron Collider will have created a black hole that will suck us into oblivion years before Planet X arrives. Doncha feel better now?

No, no, that was only a cover story to prevent panic over the approach of Planet X. In reality, the LHC was designed to produce black holes and** fire them at Planet X**.

Did the Maya calendar predict either the Classic Maya collapse, or the coming of the Spanish (which killed a lot of Maya from smallpox and other diseases)?

Here you go! It’s why I was so confused on reading the title (“wait, didn’t Planet X turn out to be Pluto or something? I know they must be pissed at being downgraded to a dwarf planet, but come on…”)

Uh-oh. “Large Hadron Collider down for 2 months”.

Will the intrepid and only slightly mad scientists at CERN get the LHC back on line in time to blast Planet X into a singularity before it gets close enough for tidal effects to wreck Planet Earth and/or close enough to be spotted by the naked eye, triggering MASS PANIC and the End of Civilization?!? Tune in tomorrow!!!

Hm…interesting. I thought the LHC was designed to either destroy the world (for fun and profit) or as a weapon against ravaging mole-rats from Venus. I didn’t realize it could be used to fire black holes at Planet X to. Man, did the Euro’s get a LOT of bang for their buck with this one! Wish we had built it…

Ah, my thanks! I thought there was an article on The Master on this subject but it had been a long time since I read The Book (well, one of them anyway).