The first world problem has been trumped

The Donald’s son is sad that he might have to leave his friends to go live in the White House.

“My house, my rules! You don’t like it, you can go live beyond the Wall!”

So you’re making fun of a nine year old for caring more about his friends than his father’s job? Am I getting that right?

Yeah, and I also tripped an old lady crossing the street today. Aren’t I just awful!?

I forgot about Barron, and couldn’t figure out why the other sons were assuming they’d move into the White House.

Personally I think creating a whole thread to complain about the musings of a 9 year old is a little worse. If you trip an old lady, that’s just one person whose life you’re disrupting, but when you post a thread like this, millions, the teeming millions have collectively wasted at least 7 or 8 hours clicking on this utterly mundane and pointless topic . … Oh wait a minute, I’m in MPSIMS. Never mind.

Why on earth would he think the Clintons would want him living with them? :wink:

Being upset about having to move doesn’t seem all that First World. Seems like a pretty universal concern. Most nine year olds wouldn’t want to be uprooted.

I wish there was a way for me to help that little fella understand that he has, without question, nothing to worry about.

In other words, a humblebrag.