For the comics-naïve, the title of the episode is a reference to this classic comic book, the cover of which was recreated towards the end of the episode itself.
Instead of angsty Barry, this week we’ve got distrustful Barry. He did have a point. Why would anyone believe someone who claimed to be the Flash of another world, when he doesn’t manifest any power whatsoever? If anything, Team Flash was perhaps a little too trusting of Jay Garrick. Caitlin, especially, seemed to have taken to Jay quite easily.
Is Joe West’s new partner, Patty Spivot, going to be a romantic interest for Barry? If so, I hope we’re not going to have mopey Iris again. She really should stop hanging around STAR Labs and get back to work as a journalist.
When Martin Stein collapsed at the end, my first thought was, people are standing right next to him and the Flash is in the room and nobody caught him? Come on!
And re next week’s episode: so Captain Cold’s dad is going to be called Colonel Cold. Not "Pop"sicle? Come on!
I loved all the easter eggs. Was that Kal El’s rocket (the Mort Wessigner version) in the Star Labs at the end?
I hate Patty Spivot as a character. In her original incarnation she had no personality and was a duller DC version of the utterly boring Spider-Girlfriend Deborah Whitman. (If you’re saying “Deborah…who?”, congrats. You now know how super-dull Patty was). She had 1 (one) memorable story (a what-if, here.) Whey they brought Barry back, she got dug up out of the trash bin of super-boring secondary characters and made her annoying instead of dull. That said, the character named Patty Spivot that’s in this episode has nothing in common with the comic book version except the name and the blonde hair, so that’s a hopeful sign.
I don’t like upping Flash’s power-set. Throwing lighting around just adds to much to one of the most powerful characters out there. That said, now we know how Jay will get his powers back (a zap of speed-force lightning)
I loved the callback to the cover of Flash 123.
I wish Caitlyn Snow would get out of those idiotic cocktail dreses*. Unless it’s “Formal Dress Day” at work, the key is "business casual, babe.
The actor who’s playing Stein really adds to the chemistry of the cast.
Man, I’m loving this show.
*Or whatever they’re called. She looks like she’s going to a high-end cocktail party.
So at the end of the previous episode, Jay gets into Star Labs, even though they’ve upgraded the security. Fine, I think, it’s because it’s hard to keep out a speedster. Then in this episode, we learn that Jay isn’t a speedster at the moment - so a person with no money or identification gets to Central City and in a few months, he’s able to learn who the Flash is, identify the Flash’s allies and learn their backgrounds, and get through Star labs security, without any superpowers. Yikes…
Are you sure you haven’t gotten Caitlin confused with Felicity over on Arrow? Because this is typical of Caitlin’s attire, whereas Felicity usually wears something like this.
On the other hand, when someone does know how to penetrate your security, knows all of your secret identities, and then just walks in and starts giving you verifiably-helpful advice rather than, say, blowing you all up; I think locking him in a cell is a bit of a dick move.
Frankly anything is better than this version of Iris getting together with Barry. That actress has no chemistry whatsoever with him. They really should have cast Danielle Panabaker as Iris instead, Caitlyn and Barry just ooze chemistry the way Iris and Barry should but absolutely don’t. Hell, Barry and Cisco have more chemistry.
I’ve been wondering about that… they seem to keep throwing them at each other, but then her fiancee comes back to life, and now Jay’s here and she’s drooling all over him… that girl has issues.
Now that I think about it, one of the things Barry had to struggle with is that he’s never really talked to anybody about his private life… he didn’t seem to have any friends outside his family before he got all blowed up, and the Wests know all about him (except for Iris being to dim to realize he’s crushing on her). I remember running into the standard conundrum about new superheroes, which was “Why don’t you just tell people? It’s not like keeping it a secret is keeping any of them safe…” (see: Smallville.) Now I realize, he’s not comfortable talking with anybody about anything.
For me, the lack of chemistry works, since Barry and Iris were raised as brother and sister. I always got an “eeewww.” factor from this Barry and Iris pairing.
That said, Caitlyn and Barry don’t do anything for me either. Except for the drunken karoke episode, those two don’t work at all. I want a Barry/Felicity pairing (because Felicity/Ollie sucks and Felicity/Ray is far worse). Or even this non-whiney version of Patty works with Barry.