The Flash S02E17: Flash Back

Barry is the single worst liar in the entire multiverse. He has got to stop traveling to other worlds (“Don’t let on to ANYONE that you’re not from here!”) or back in time (“Don’t let on to ANYONE that you’re from the future! Also, be very sure not to change ANYTHING!”). It will be interesting to see if there are any other changes resulting from this little jaunt to the past.

I found this episode moronic, on every level. Thawn’s plan wasn’t just to go back to his own time, it was to kill Flash. So, Flash telling Thawn that his plan succeeded is (wait for it) oxy-moronic. (Hah! See what I did there?)

For a supposedly bright guy, Barry Allen is almost always really, really stupid.

And time-travel stories always wind up being ultimately silly. On the plus side, perhaps the fear of awakening another time-wraith will cause Barry to stop meddling with the timeline.

He really is. When he went to Earth 2, he was supposed to stay away from his and his friends’ doppelgangers. What’s the first thing he does? Tranqs Barry 2 and poses as him and pretty much fucks everything up.

In this episode, Barry and Cisco talked about how Barry had to be really convincing to fool Thawne so as not to alter the timeline. Barry was confident he could do it. Then he goes back in time and almost immediately starts spouting off statements that give him away to Thawne. He might as well have had “I’m Future Barry, and I know you’re Eobard Thawne” tattooed on his forehead.


The whole thing was worth it, I think, for Wellsobard’s facepalm when future Barry walked into S.T.A.R. Labs and admitted to past Barry and the entire Team Flash that he came from the future. You could just see Eowells thinking, “You really fucked it up this time, Barry.”

Well, Future Barry did tell Eobard/Wells that if he dies, a hidden letter will be revealed to the team who Wells really is along with his plans. A total bluff, but still, Eobard couldn’t afford to take that chance.

Also, from the comics or not, I hate the idea of Time Wraiths.