The Gay White Racialist Network

I would have thought that being the subject of hatred for something you can’t control would make you less likely to hate people for something they can’t control, but then I ran across the Gay White Racialist Network.

I have no talent for the rant thing, but this just overloaded my surreal-o-meter, and I thought it was a little too ugly for MPSIMS.

On every single Madonna fan MB, there is at least one Screaming Queen who is rich, white, and privileged.
One in particular, at the now-defunct Madonnarama, started a flame war against Turkish posters, because said poster was of Greek ancestry. His bigotry burned with the fire of a million suns.

There is an entire population of rich, white, and privileged gays who have zero interest in social justice for others. Their wealth and their sex insulate them, and since they are protected, they don’t feel any need to care about anyone else.




Not if you’re from the UK.

puts face in hand Oh, for gods’ sake.

Arrgh! At what point can we can me mandate that the British come up with a new name for their increasingly wacky language?

It was my understanding that “racialist” is what open racists call themselves, such as the white power people.

From their link to the American Resistance Corps page:

I’m not sure I can envision that. In fact, I’m sure that I can’t.

But what price stereotypes, eh? Chuck Shepherd informs us that, in July of this year:

You certainly wouldn’t assume an atheist to be liberal nor a Christain to be conservative, would you?

You sure we aren’t being wooshed here?

And actually, racialist is what just about everyone, even leading civil rights leaders like WEB DuBois, used to be. It’s not a fake term at all, though of little use today.

Apos, I’m fairly confidant that this isn’t a whoosh. I found the site through the American Resistance Corps page, which Ringo linked to. The ARC page looks like your standard nonparody white supremicist page.

What are you saying about DuBois? He’s a very attractive man! Especially for a historical figure.

Well, a guy I knew for several years in college was very racist and gave money to multiple racist groups. One semester he told everyone he was homosexual and went into great detail about how he felt solidarity with blacks because he was now a member of a discriminated against minority. Many years later I am still wondering, “What the fuck was that all about?”

Well, if that site is not “one guy with a computer” then I am fucking amazed.

Actually gives “GWM” kinda a new meaning in the personals.

I guess they could have an alliance with the Aryan brotherhood while in prison.

Other than the page saying “Gay White Racialist Network” I don’t get the impression that there’s any “Gay White Racialist” movement behind it. It seems to be a page created by the ARC people (which Ringo referenced and who the page links to) and targeting Jews (Zionist Jews specifically) for being anti-gay re lifestyle practices, and even that document is now almost 2 years old, and the page appears to be a relatively static creation.

This really seems to be the efforts of someone using the gay stick to beat the Jews with. I’m highly doubtful there are any gay people that involved in the construction of this page.

There may well be white gays that disapprove of, or generally dislike blacks and jews and paint them (inaccurately) with a broadly homophobic brush, but I strongly doubt they are climbing into bed organizationally with traditionally super-homophobic white power types to get their point across.

You mean the language they speak in… among other parts of the UK… England?

I seem to remember one of our gay posters once posting a rant about being on AOL, and running into gay neo-Nazis.

But it’s too random to search for.

I remember reading a fascinating website about “Nazi boot-bois”.

I also went into a fetish bar in Hollywood, packed full of gay people dressed in a sort of Nazi officer look. A lot of jodhpurs and black boots with white shirts and suspenders. And of course, the hats. It was an interesting look; maybe they were making a statement against the Nazi attempted annhilation of homosexuals.

What, nobody here watches Oz?


Maybe they’re a forerunner to the militant nazi gay group that Frank Miller had in his “Give Me Liberty” comic.

From my (admittedly limited) experience, Gay skinheads tend to not be anit-racist. Sort of Anti-skinhead skinheads. Sort of like SHARPS (SkinHeads Againas Racial something that starts with an R and then a P :slight_smile: ) But then you have those who ARE racist, and it just makes everything all mucked up. I would do a search for some related websites, but the only ones I know all have “adult” content and my only current internet connection is at work :frowning: