We all come from different backgrounds and races and religions and creeds and colors and sexes and ages and parenting and IQ levels and typing skills and run-on sentence making abilities.
But there’s one thing we have in common: our love to talk about what we feel the thread should be talking about. So we hijack the thread. Well, I figured if it’s that popular, I might as well give everyone a safe outlet for doing so. I consider it a public service, of sorts.
HIJACK THIS THREAD. That’s right, respond to the last person and, using that person’s comments, go off into the tangent that you want to talk about. No, it’s not “I like bermuda.” and then “yeah, and I really hate meat.” Your only rule is that it must in some way appear that you’ve actually read the previous post’s comments before completely ignoring it.
OK, here goes:
Why are there so many speedtraps on the road? Don’t they have anything better to do than hit their monthly quota? I pay their taxes and here they are charging me for just driving a mile over the speed limit. Stop that robbery at the Quik-E-Mart, don’t keep hassling me!
Uncle, shmunkle. Ants are everything. And everywhere.
Who has a solution?
I used to apply cigar ashes to ant trails, but then they just took up smoking!
And I am so sick of those political commercials. They give new meaning to the phrase ‘commercial radio’. I think the ratio now is 6 minutes of commercials to 3 minutes of actual news. And I’m really pissed that my favorite talk radio station now plays Rush Limbaugh!
I never really understood the concept of “ratio” until I had a boyfriend who had the habit of making everything either in ‘direct proportion to’ or ‘inverse proportion to’–like “Our chance of getting to the movie on time is in inverse proportion to how good the previews will be.” Somehow this got the point across better than any of my math teachers.
I wonder what happened to him. He’s probably an assistant manager at a Radio Shack by now, it’s been 20 years.
Did the word ‘cool’ ever go out of style? Seems like I used it a lot as a kid (along with groovy and heavy), and then it was a word nobody used (like groovy and heavy), then it was back again. Or maybe it was just me.
My personal favorite was ‘Whoa’. I never used ‘heavy’ that much.
Speaking of heavy, I’ve been trying to lose some weight recently, but nothing seems to be working. I try to stick to my diet, but there’s so much temptation out there!
Well, since you are talking about “whoa” and diet, why is it that those PETA idiots want to ban the eating of horsemeat? And, in CA, here, they succeded. I ate a few horseburgers once- tasty.
I could have sworn that the cafeteria in high school served Horse-burgers. That place always served the worst food. Has it always been universally bad, or was that just me?
Yeah, it was just you. Speaking of people who are bad, no-one can beat Michael Jackson. Now HE was bad, although not unfortunately in the way he meant it.
Oh, I didn’t mind Wesley. He wasn’t so bad. He had great posture. Ever notice that? Really great posture, especially for a kid his age. Must of been those Star Fleet uniforms.