He made a video of it and posted it on his FaceBook page. Even if he didn’t care about the infant, didn’t this guy realize that this wouldn’t go over well with the public?
I’m expecting the first death or injury from this challenge any day now. Not that I’m against it or that I think it’s inherently dangerous for an adult to do this to themselves, but you gotta know that some fool is going to figure out a way to injure himself or someone else with it.
Many of the celebrities are publicly indicating that they have made a donation, in addition to dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads. Some have even included the check in the video (G.W. Bush, Tina Fey, etc.)
The original rules only apply to people who have been challenged by someone else, so unless you have been challenged in an ice bucket video, you should be O.K.
Apparently $96 million has been raised since the challenge started, so someone’s donating.
Neil Gaiman made a point of telling people watching his video that he was giving a $100 donation along with dumping the ice water on his head and explained how viewers could donate. He may take the research aspect of this phenomenon a little more seriously because he has a family member with ALS.
There’s several youtube videos of other people doing it and the horse barely reacts or just moves side to side a little. I’m guessing the girl didn’t do a practice run to see how the horse would react.
Many people, myself included, did both. And Facebook bullying? Please. If you don’t want to do it, don’t. Nobody actually cares. Plenty of people on my feed have been challenged who have not responded. Nobody’s been hounded or called out for it. It’s all in good fun.
I think I know what he’s talking about. I’ll sometimes see things in my FB feed that were shared by a friend that tell some story about some awful or wonderful thing thing that happened with instructions saying to share it if you agree that it’s awful / good. The implication being that if you don’t share it you’re for puppy beating or against cops rescuing kittens or whatever.