The Incredible Sheldon

As far as I know I wasn’t “belted by gamma rays”, but it seems that in times of (not so) great stress I transform into Sheldon Cooper.

On a Friday I usually purchase a meal deal from Boots (a UK chemist that also sells some food items) this comprises a portion of sushi, a drink and a cereal bar.

Today Boots has no sushi (or at least not the variety I usually buy) and it took me some time to decide what to have instead.

Having walked to the shop through the rain and got soaked, I was unperturbed, but not being able to buy my sushi dinner Iwas dismayed and in my head a voice said “but Leonard, I always have sushi on a Friday”.

There’s a certain appeal in Sheldon’s step-by-step life. Why bother with variety when you could bother with the theoretical problems that bother scientists in this day and age?

I found The Big Bang Theory has encouraged my use of vocabulary in casual conversation. Less dumbing down for me :slight_smile:

I want more new BBT. :frowning: