The Italian Job was very entertaining. Even tho there were plot holes. Like, where did they get all the money they using to buy the explosives, rent the hotel, redo the Minis, etc…?
Ok ok ok, they’re theives. But, the question of liquid funds never gets any screen time. Not even a hint.
Should’ve kept D.S. around a litttle longer, too. Ah well. A good, fast moving, appealing movie, even with the nits. Hollywood Homicide, tho.
Oh my God, this was horrid. I was actually praying for a natural disaster to stop the movie.
It was that bad.
The simultaneous chase scene in the final 25 or so minutes was good. Even tho you knew how it would end.
Poor writing? Directing? What? Because these two male lead actors have been in some of the better movies I’ve seen. Why did this suck ass so much?
That preview for the Heath Ledger movie about the Vatican looks really interesting. As does the Gene, Dustin, Cusak movie coming up.
Well, that ends my turn as host of That Fat Guy and the Other One At the Movies. Your turn. Review these movies or any other non blockbuster you’ve recently seen.
They both were barely adequate time-killers. With these kind of movies, I’m just looking for (funny or thrilling or interesting) moments rather than a cohesive entertaining whole. In that regard, they both suceed. And it also means, I won’t be watching them again…
If something sucks in comparison to The Italian Job, one of the most formulaic and unnecessary movies I’ve seen in some time - hell, it was also a remake of the remake of Ocean’s 11 - I’ll stay away from it. But I sure won’t listen to somebody say it was good.
The Italian Job was entertaining. Esp for how it seemed to have been made. A lark. Not a lot of heavy stuff or even story telling. But it had a good pace and was fun to watch.
MY opinion. (that’s the only that really counts, now isn’t it?)
I enjoyed the Italian Job. Yes it was formulaic fluff but it was constantly entertaining. I’m not looking for a life changing experience, just some fun. There was always something going on, never a dull moment in which I would wish they would get back to blowing stuff up. Decent writing. Even the jokes I knew were coming from the previews were still funny. Even better in context. Very much like Ocean’s Eleven. Not exactly cathartic but entertaining. Turn your brain off for two hours and rock out.
I saw both of these movies at a drive-in (Italian Job last week, Hollywood Homicide yesterday) and both myself and my friends called very specific events and even lines that would occur in the films (calls were made after about 5 minutes of each movie and, of course, we didn’t use the trailers to guide our phophecy).
These movies are getting very formulaic and repetitive, but they’re still pretty fun. Stop looking for Oscar-winning movies that star Charlize Theron or Josh Hartnett, you won’t find them easily.
That said, the chase scenes from Hollywood Homicide were much better. I think Italian Job dragged in some places that could’ve been more exciting.
Um, I liked Hollywood Homicide. It wasn’t a mystery because I knew whodunnit about 5 minutes into the movie. I liked seeing Harrison Ford play a character who was a working stiff with money problems and personality defects like 99.9% of the population. Josh Hartnett is a cutie and I wanted to see them interact and I was very satisfied with the results. So there.
Donald Sutherland. Though he dies about ten minutes in.
Mark Wahlberg. :rolleyes:
It’s a very different movie, from my understanding. Only the opening few minutes take place in Italy, the rest of it was moved to L.A. and involved re-stealing the gold from a traitorous member of the original group of thieves.
I don’t think The Italian Job compares to the Ocean’s 11, because it was much less guilty of my pet peeve about caper films – magic security systems defeated by magic intrusion methods. This kind of thing was soundly parodied in Charlie’s Angels, in which among other things a hand had to be submersed in some kind of jello. In The Italian Job, it was just safes and explosives. Well, there was the computer bullshit. I’ll bet L.A. traffic control just wishes it had a computer system powerful enough to be able to do that when hacked into.
I can’t comment on The Italian Job, because I didn’t see it. On purpouse. It pains me to see Mos Def doing these things.
I did, however, get dragged into Hollywood Homicide. What was up with that crap? I can’t put my finger on it, either.
Can anyone tell me why Harrison Ford was suddenly wearing shades during the love scene? And then eating a donut? I thought for sure that it was some sort of a dream sequence, but … no … it wasn’t.
Hm, I think I just hit upon one reson this movie was so unpleasant. Who wants to see 2003 Harrison Ford having sex? Not I.
Everytime I saw TV commercials for Hollywood Homicide, I couldn’t tell whether it was supposed to be a comedy playing off the disparities of Ford/Hartnett or a hard-nosed crime drama. Since there were two completely opposite commercials, I gatherered that even the filmmakers couldn’t decide which, so tried to do both.
I couldn’t tell you why, but I can tell you that I loved it. God, that was so damn funny. You have to wonder what they did to Harrison Ford to make him do that. What a champ.
I found both Hollywood Homicide and The Italian Job to be fun, entertaining movies. I wasn’t expecting a thought-provoking movie; just a good time. Fast cars, cute guys. I felt as if I got what I paid for.
Simple rule of thumb. When they market the crap out of movie, you know its gotta be awful. They shoved this thing down our throats for weeks leading up to its release.
First they marketed it as a comedy, all the clips were jokes and prat falls. Then suddenly they start marketing it as a serious crime thriller. Knew right then the movie sucked bad and they were trying to recoup losses before everyone knew just how bad it was.
Besides, Harrison Ford is so old and wooden now that he’s a zombie. I think he’s heavily medicated at all times. Jost Hartnet is so ugly he has no place as a leading man/sidekick/any screen time at all.