"The Jews killed Arafat!"

PARIS (AP) - Freshly armed with Yasser Arafat’s weighty medical dossier, his nephew pinned blame on Israel for the late Palestinian leader’s death and refused Monday to squelch rumors of poisoning - even though he acknowledged that doctors found no known poisons. Nasser al-Kidwa, who is also the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations, said the files are inconclusive on the cause of Arafat’s death, but “I believe the Israeli authorities are largely responsible for what happened.” Before his death, French doctors had disclosed that Arafat had a high white blood cell count as well as a low count of platelets, a substance that aids in blood clotting . . . That is consistent with a variety of illnesses from pneumonia to cancer. Farouk Kaddoumi, the new head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mainstream Fatah faction, repeated his belief that Arafat was poisoned. “Why, then, the low platelets count? There is no reason except poisoning,” he said.

—Yeah, yeah. We also killed Princess Diana, Gregory Peck, and that old lady from the “Where’s the Beef?” commercial. They just pissed us off

We killed him.

                   signed Morty

I took part too.

signed Schlomo.

Take hope. . .if nothing else, the Palestinians are known for being reasonable, so they’ll see right through Farouk Kaddoumi’s statements.

First Jesus, and now this. Bastards.

Until the day before, he’d been the picture of health.

Yeah. They waited with killing him until he was 75 and a has-been , huh.

Originally posted by Trunk

. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this. I’ll go with the :smiley:

I’m sorry. I’ll write “I will never kill Arafat again” 100 times on the blackboard.

Yep, I killed him. Christ, too.

Yours Truly,


What IS the fascination with conspiracy theories over there? As I’ve said before, I’ve rarely met one I didn’t like but it would never occur to me that he was poisoned. I mean, look at his eyes the past year or so–he obviously had cancer. And his face? Working on stroke two or three, I’d wager. A decrepit old man dies–this is surprising? And since when has Mossad been that subtle? They’ve always been, “Yeah, I iced the bitch. So what?”

What’s worse, we will never read about the poisoning allegations because the Jews control all the media.

You sure as hell took your damned time about it. A bunch of WASPs would have had him on ice by '67 or so.

I thought you had her cryogenically frozen in a vault hidden under the “Pirates of the Carribean” attraction at Disneyland.

Or was that someone else? And if it was, did you kill him too?

Can’t say nobody saw this coming. It sort of sounds like the nephew is blaming Israel for hurting him with the confinement, which can’t have helped anybody’s health, but then again there’s no evidence of poisoning and his statement refuses to rule it out in a very pointed way. Jackass.

Just as a slight hijack, I’ve got a joke to share. . .

Yassir Arafat goes to a fortuneteller. He asks her, “What can you tell me of my future?”

She looks into her crystal ball and says, “You shall die on a Jewish holiday.”

Arafat’s eyes widen as he says, “Can you tell me which one?”

The fortuneteller says, “Listen, when you die, trust me, THAT day will be a Jewish holiday.”

Dropzone, y’r bein’ too rational.

Think back to the American south, back around the turn of the century. If anything bad happened, it was generally the ni-- um, black folks’ fault.

Now think back to the Cold War at its worst – 1948 to 1975 or so. If anything bad happened, it was those damn Commies.

There is a level of hatred at which rational thought pretty much ceases. The Middle East passed that level decades ago. Anything bad happens to a Palestinian, it’s the Israelis’ fault. Or the Americans’; lot of folks over there don’t see much difference.

I’d figure the “Marine shooting unarmed Iraqi” flap would have demonstrated that. Allow for a dozen different incidents where unarmed Westerners are kidnapped, terrorized, videotaped, and then murdered, and the press over there barely mentions it… but allow for one unarmed Iraqi to be shot by an American, and the entire Arab world goes bughouse; the media over there is STILL gleefully kicking that one around.

Like I said… you’re not gonna understand this one by thinking rationally.

You know eve, this poisoning theory wouldn’t spread so easily if Sharon hadn’t threatened to kill Arafat

Not to lend credibility to any conspiracies, but “Israeli authorities” != “The Jews.”

““Why, then, the low platelets count? There is no reason except poisoning,” he said.”

Hey, this is good stuff.
Now, anytime someone croaks at our hospital and they want me to do an autopsy, all I have to do is find a low platelet count and presto!, it must be a poisoning - off to the Medical Examiner’s office.

This has potential to be a real time-saver.

I thought it was Professor Plum in the Conservatory with the lead pipe. :smack:

Oh my God!

They killed Arafat!
